Jasper Sargent’s Journal 1889-1890 (PEO.40B)

Transcription of Jasper Sargent’s journal, 1889-1890.

The Journal of Captain Jasper Newton Sargent 1889-1890

August 1 1889
Aug 1 Comes in foggy and moderate

At 10 to 11 PM heavy showers of rain

2 Comes in foggy and dull Ends the same
3 Foggy in the morning clear in the evening

Andrew Cooper died this noon

4 Comes in quite pleasant at 10 AM  Cloudy and looks like rain PM steady rain till 4 PM
5 Fair most of the day and moderate
Aug 6 This day moderate and cloudy

Andrew Cooper buried this AM

7 Warm and moderate rain showers
8 Most of the day pleasant some rain
9 Comes in cloudy and moderate Latter part rain
10 Comes in dull and thick with fogg
11 All this day fine pleasant weather

Went to church

12 Comes in fine weather wind NW

Fred went to Castine with a party from Oakland Cottage

13 Fine and pleasant all day

Fred went to Bluehill with a party from Western View  Circus at Bluehill today

August 14 Comes in thick and dull at 7 AM Commenced to rain  wind east
15 Comes in with cool dull weather wind north east fresh ends the same
16 The first part moderate and overcast

Fred gone with Merrell to Penobscot and to Bluehill and Surry and about

17 Comes in foggy and moderate with wind from the south
18 All this day moderate and warm
19 Comes in calm and clear

Steamer John Brooks made her last trip today

Welland Sargent came on boat today

20 Comes in fine and moderate  Continues all day
August 21 Moderate and warm

Fred gone to Castine with a party from Herricks

22 Comes in fine and warm

Party from Hardings around Brooklin down to Chs Wares in the evening

23 This day comes in calm and warm

Clambake at Hardings this evening

24 Comes in cloudy and warm calm

Fred gone to Castine with party

25 All this day pleasant didn’t go to church
26 Comes in fine and moderate

Fred gone to Bluehill with party

27 All this day fine weather

Benj Cole of Brooklin died

August 28 Comes in fine

Excursion to Northport to Camp meeting today Str Castine

Ends fine weather

29 Comes in foggy and calm PM fine pleasant weather
30 Comes in foggy and moderate PM clear and warm
31 Comes in warm and calm foggy

PM fine and warm 81 above

Sept 1 1889
Sept 1 All this day warm and clear went to church
2 Comes in calm and warm  Ends the same
3 First part cooler and same all day
Sept 3 Comes in warm and calm

Fred went to Ellsworth last evening with Mr Hamlin came home at 4 this morning

BCS went to Brooksville with RS Davis

4 This day comes in thick with fogg and calm  PM pleasant with wind from the south
5 All this AM foggy PM quite clear
6 Comes in foggy and moderate wind from the south
7 All this day warm and moderate
8 Warm and dry needs rain

Went to church

9 Comes in calm and dull with warm weather
Sept 10 This day comes in cloudy and ___with the wind from the east
11 Comes in cloudy and dull with the wind from the NE fresh
12 Fresh breeze from the NE clear

David Dodge was buried today died in Bluehill

Fred on the road with Merrill

13 Comes in pleasant and moderate

Fred gone with Merrill today

The lumber for the Chapel is at the wharf and will commence hauling today

14 Comes in with the wind from the NE quite clear
15 All this day warm and overcast didnt go to church
Sept 16 Comes in dull and warm had a little rain last night
17 Comes in thick and dull

WG Sargent Geo Grindle Israel Grindle Daniel Eaton Wales Eaton and wife Moses Peters and Lacy Mrs Wm Hooper went on the Str Castine for Salisbury Cove __ to the Baptist Association

18 Comes in fresh breeze from the south  Ends with wind east and rainy
19 Comes in rainy and wind east fresh
20 Strong breeze from the south
21 Cloudy and dull AM
22 Comes in with the wind NW fresh and cool  went to church
Sept 23 Fresh breeze from the NW fresh

Fred left on the Richmond for Bath to attend the Society of CE meeting

Katie Carter left WG Sargents

24 Comes in fine weather moderate breeze from the NW  PM wind SW

LJ Sargent came on the boat from Bangor his vessel being there

25 Comes in fine pleasant weather  Ends cloudy
26 Comes in dull and at 12 M rain with the wind Seast

WH Sargent & daughter left for Chicago on boat today his and her health better

27 Wind NE and cloudy  cool PM pleasant and cool
28 Comes in cool with fresh breeze from the NW  Fred came on the Richmond today.
29 All this day strong breeze from the NW and cool  Forrest Nevells Emery Gray Flora Roberts and Warren Grays daughter were baptized this P.M.  Went to Bluehill after Dr Bunker for RH Sinclair he is very low
30 Comes in cloudy with wind from the SE  Moses Peters was married yesterday to a Mrs Dix
Oct 1 1889 Comes in strong breeze from the south and rain  Fred went on Castine Ferry with Mrs Wood
Oct 2 Comes in rainy and dull AF Cole and Mr Hooper at work finishing chambers
3 All this day quite pleasant Schr LJ Sargent came home from Bangor  BCS gone in the Anna W. Barker  RH Sinclair was buried today
4 Comes in cloudy with the wind SE  Latter part clear with wind North
5 First part clear weather and cool with the wind North
6 All this day dull with some rain wind S East Fred went to Ellsworth
7 Comes in strong breeze from the SE and heavy rains ends with wind north
8 Wind W S West fresh quite clear
Oct 9 Comes in with fresh breeze from the SW quite clear  Harvest Home this PM __at the tables for vegetables
10 Comes in dull wind south middle part rainy
11 Pleasant most of the day and cool
12 Fine pleasant weather Oscar was here plastering chambers
13 All this day wind NE and cool  went to church
14 Comes in with NE fresh and overcast cool
15 Fine all day with wind from NE Fred went to Ellsworth
Oct 16 Fine weather and cool Fred came from Ellsworth
17 Comes in fine pleasant weather and cool
18 Fine pleasant weather
19 Cloudy with fresh breeze from the SW
20 Overcast all day and quite cool  went to church
21 Comes in with the wind N East and cloudy
22 Comes in fine pleasant weather with the wind NE quite cool
23 All this day quite pleasant and cool  Will Sargent and wife came on the boat
24 Comes in fine pleasant weather and cool  Ends cloudy
25 Comes in cloudy and dull
26 All this day overcast and moderate
27 All day cloudy and moderate in the night heavy rains
28 Comes in rainy and moderate Latter part the same
29 Comes in rainy with wind NE  Fred went to Bucksport last evening
30 First part wind from the north and cloudy  Evening had a __ Supper in the Hall proceeds about 26.00
Oct 31 Comes in fine pleasant weather  Second evening of the levee __ at both entertainments
Nov 1 Comes in fine pleasant weather and warm  Fred gone to Ellsworth
2 Fine pleasant weather all day.
3 Heavy rains all day did not go to church
4 Comes in fine with the wind from the north very light
5 Comes in fine and cool with wind from the NW Ends the same
6 Cloudy with wind from the SW looking like dull weather
7 Comes in with fresh breeze from the west and quite pleasant
8 All this day pleasant and cool
9 Comes in cloudy and moderate
10 Stormy part of the day
11 Comes in quite pleasant  Settled with AJ Long for building the Chapel and finishing outside $1100
12 All this day moderate and warm hauled one load of hay L Closson
13 Comes in moderate and dull  hauling hay from L Clossons   The joiners on Capt RB Sargent’s house will finish work today
14 Comes in with rain  middle part cleared up with the wind North  Schr Robt Dority sailed for New York
Nov 15 Comes in cool with fresh breeze from the NW  Schr Scio sailed
16 Fine pleasant weather all day with the wind from the NW
17 All this day fresh breeze from NW
18 Comes in fine and moderate
19 Very pleasant and moderate PM cloudy midnight rain
20 Comes in with rain and fresh breeze from the East

RB Sargent moving to his new house  At 3 PM cleared up fine calm

Capt RB Sargent stayed in his new house last night

21 Comes in rainy with the wind from the SSW  RB Sargent will leave for Savannah on the Richmond tonight
Nov 22 Comes in dull and rainy the City of Richmond came in at one o’clock this morning RB Sargent left for Savannah to ___ the Schr WG Sargent
23 In the evening myself and wife WG Sargent & wife  LB Sargent & wife Benj & Mary were at LJ Sargents to tea
24 All this day pleasant
25 Comes in cloudy and calm Latter part fine with wind NW
26 Comes in fine pleasant weather
27  1889 All day cloudy and moderate
Nov 28 Comes in snowing at 9 am rain Flora and children  Lewie and family here to dinner it being Thanksgiving Day
29 Comes in with the wind from the SWest and quite clear  not very cold
30 Comes in fine with the wind from the NW clear
Dec 1 All this day quite pleasant and wind from the SW fresh
2 Comes in fresh breeze from the SW Latter part NW and cold
3 Comes in fine with wind from NW though at night quite cold
4 Comes in clear and cold __ moderate from north
Dec 5 This day comes in cloudy with the wind NNE moderate and looking like snow  We are having a laboring bee filling in around the chapel about 20 at work
6 Raining through the night cleared up in the morning with light breeze from the NW and warm
7 Comes in moderate and cool  Fred gone to Pens & __ with __& __  11:30 Fred came home with a broken axe from Penobscot
8 All this day dull with the wind from the SE looking like rain  P.M. fresh breezes
Dec 9 This day came in thick and fresh breeze from the SSE  at 4 am rain middle part strong breeze and rain  Latter part wind SW
10 Comes in fine weather and moderate breeze from the north  Fred gone to Ellsworth with Spofford
11 Comes in dull and rainy with the wind from the SE
12 All this day strong breeze from the NW clear not very cold
13 Comes in overcast and calm looks like snow  PM cleared up fine
14 All this day cloudy and cold LJ Sargent and myself went to Castine and returned
Dec 15 Comes in fine and continues through thr day  Went to church
16 Comes in moderate and fine weather  Fred gone to East Bluehill the other team gone to Ellsworth
17 This is a fine day quite warm
18 Overcast and looking like rain PM rainy wind SE
19 Comes in thick and raining with the wind SE
20 Fine AM dull PM Killed my pig weighed 342
21 Comes in with fresh breeze from the WNW  clear at 10 AM
Dec 22 AM quite cold and cloudy  at 2:30 PM wind SE and snowing in the evening rain
23 Comes in clear and cool fresh breeze from the W the M steamer in this morning
24 This day comes in quite pleasant and warm for this time of year the Chapel Circle had a Christmas tree and pie supper at the Hall this evening receipts about $2300
25 Christmas Day comes in dull with light rains at 6 oclock am  Latter part-quite pleasant
26 Comes in overcast and moderate  Latter part-raining
27 All this day strong breeze from the NW and clear
28   1889 Comes in fine and moderate breeze from the NW  Fred sick with cold
29 Comes in fine and cold
30 Fine pleasant weather
31 All this day pleasant and cool with wind from the NW  So ends this year
January 1 1890
Jany 1 Comes in cloudy  PM rainy wind south There was an organ concert at Sedgwick
2 Comes in quite pleasant with fresh breeze from the SW and warm  went to West Brooksville with __
3 Comes in fine pleasant weather with the wind to the NW
Jany 4 Fine pleasant weather 12degree above
5 This day comes in with light snow Latter part sleet
6 Comes in with dull weather with some fogg PM misty
7 All this day dull and moderate light breeze from the NW
8 Comes in moderate and slippery
9 This day comes in with strong breeze from the NW 7 AM at zero through the day heavy gale from the NW and clear
10 Comes in cold and moderate 10 degree below  Latter part clear
11 All this day the wind from the north and __
Jany 12 1890 Comes in fine and quickens with snow  Went to church with sleigh good sleighing  PM  Rev Mr Davies preached in our chapel for the first time
13 Comes in moderate and raining Snow fast going off  Latter part cooler with wind NW
14 Comes in fine with strong breeze from the NW Latter part cloudy
15 All this day stormy first _ then rain with wind from the SE
16 All this day disagreeable wet raining and slippery
Jany 17 Comes in strong breeze from the NW 4 degrees above  Latter part more moderate quite a number sick in this vicinity with La Grippe
18 Comes in quite moderate with light breeze from the NW  James G Blains son Walter died

17th Lewis Barker Bangor died 17th   

19 All this day quite pleasant to last part cloudy with the wind NE
20 Comes in thick and raining with moderate breeze from the SE  Latter part wind NW and clear
21 Comes in fine weather with the wind from the NW through the night light snow
Jany 22 Comes in with the wind from the NW Middle part strong breeze from NW
23 All this day overcast with some snow
24 Fine pleasant weather all day with the wind from the NW
25 Comes in calm and cold Middle part strong breeze from the SW and cloudy
26 All this day very pleasant and warm  went to church
27 Comes in cloudy and moderate at 9 am snowing  Latter quite clear
28 Comes in moderate and quite pleasant  Fred gone to Bluehill ___
Jany 29 All this line quite moderate and pleasant  Fred gone to Ellsworth with  ___
30 Cloudy with the wind from the North East all day   Fred came home
31 Comes in cloudy with the wind from the NE
Feb 1 1890
1 First part wind SW middle and latter parts NW
2 All this day moderate with the wind from the SE  Latter part thick with some rain
3 Comes in raining with the wind from the East  moderate  Latter part clear and cool with the wind from the NW
Jany 4 This day comes in with light breezes from the NW and clear  Middle part cloudy  Latter part wind south and raining
5 Comes in raining and moderate thick with fogg  in the evening had an Antiquarian Supper proceeds
6 Comes in 10 degrees above and fresh breeze from the N West  __ in the evening
7 Comes in cold and moderate 2 degree below  Fred gone with __ to Brooklin & Bluehill  Home at 8 PM
8 Comes in strong breeze from SE light –snows at 7 AM rain and heavy winds
Feb 9 Pleasant weather all day with the wind from the NW Rev Mr Davis preached in the chapel went to church in the sleigh
10 Comes in fine moderate weather  The ___ steamer  Stella ___ was down __ at Reach and all Saturday
11 Fine pleasant weather and cool  Latter part cloudy and dull
12 First part overcast with the wind from the SE moderate middle part fresh breeze and thick with some rain
13 Comes in quite moderate with the wind from the west  Cloudy Fred & Louie gone to Castine
14 All this day fine and warm wind west Fred and Louie went to Castine

Feb 15

First part rainy at 6 am quite pleasant.  Bad traveling
16 All this day Fresh breeze from the NW and quite cold
17 Comes in fine pleasant weather wind from the north  Fred went to north Castine with __Sargent  At 5 pm Fred went to West Brooklin with Miss Dunbar
18 Comes in thick at 8 am Sunny at 12 __quite a tough snow storm
19 First part thick with __ snow  Cloudy some snow
20 Comes in with NE and snowing  middle part wind east snowing all day  Strong breeze scraping snow from the step
Feb 21 Comes in with heavy winds from the NW and cold clear weather  Fred gone to Castine after ____ice for WD Gower  Mail didn’t get in __ (2 below zero)
22 Comes in cold and windy  15 inches of snow on the ground
23 All this day quite warm and overcast wind easterly
24 Comes in with the wind from the SE and thick moderate weather.  Fred started for Bucksport at 5 pm  evening raining
25 Comes in thick foggy moderate weather with the wind from the east
26 All this day dull foggy weather wind from the ENE moderate

Feb 27

The first of this day foggy and moderate with light breeze from NE.  BC Sargent the oldest of the Sargent family (BC Sargents family) died at 10:45 He would be 85 year old the 12 day of June next
28 Comes in moderate with light breeze from the SE  through the night rain  Fred went to Ellsworth
March 1980

March 1

The first part rainy with the wind SE moderate
2 This day comes in cloudy with the wind NE  Brother BC Sargent was buried today  Snowing at 7 pm with strong breeze
3 Comes in with snow storm and strong breeze from the NE PM clear wind NW
March 4 This day comes in with clear weather and calm 10 inches of snow on the ground Got Bertha ___ to stay with us awhile
5 Comes in with the wind from the SE and warm quite clear Latter part cloudy
6 First part cloudy with the wind from the NE 8 am snowing  Letter part snowing
7 Comes in fine with the wind from the NW fresh
8 This day fine and moderate
9 Fine all day quite cold with fresh breeze
10 Comes in fine pm wind SW warm
March 11 This day comes in very moderate and pleasant quite warm  Wind from SE light through the night foggy and moderate
12 This day comes in foggy and moderate  The horse Chief is lame and sick  Fred gone to W __ after ___  Latter part soft weather
13 Comes in moderate and misty very little wind East
14 Comes in calm and warm  ____
15 First part raining middle part snow with the wind NE
16 All this day quite pleasant with the wind NW
March 17 Comes in cold and fresh breeze from the NW  Clear weather latter part
18 Comes in quite fine with fresh breeze from the SW Latter part wind NW
19 The first of this day clear with the wind NW middle part over cast with wind north Latter part clear
20 Comes in fine weather with wind from the NW
21 All this day raining  Fred went to Bucksport after a horse bought of WA Rich  __ Searsport
22 Comes in cloudy and nearly calm  Latter part raining
1890 Journal Sargentville
March 23 The most of this day snowing with light breeze from north
24 Comes in clear and quite cold fresh breeze from the NW  Fred gone to Bucks mills
25 Comes in fine pleasant weather nearly calm Capt LJ Sargent left on Str City of Richmond this morning at 12:30 bound to New York to __ the Schr Norman recently bought from Bath  365 tons
26 Comes in dull and raining with the wind south  Latter part wind W clear
27 First part clear with the wind west  Latter part pleasant wind NW
28 First fine and calm  Latter part tough snowstorm wind east
March 29 The first of this day stormy with fresh breeze from the N East  middle part cloudy and moderate
30 All this day quite pleasant and moderate
31 Comes in fine and moderate Latter part the same