Billings-France-Cutter Home (HOM.33)
Photos of the home once owned by the Billings, France and Cutter families.
The Billings, France, Cutter, Chadwick, Hoagland house

This beautifully maintained cape is one of the oldest houses in town. Originally it was on the farmland of Parker Billings and for a time was the home of his daughter Adelaide, “Ady” (1854-1934), who married Wesley L. France (1844-1921) in 1907. Dr. France, an optician born in New Jersey, was 62 and his bride was 53. It was the second marriage for both.

Note on back of this photo-“Horace Eaton, Rufus Hinkley, Dr. France August, 1910”. Lumber was cut at local saw mills and used on Sedgwick homes or buildings or shipped via schooners to other towns and countries. Oxen pulled the heavy loads. The France house in the background was built circa 1814.1

This photo, with the Cutter house in the background was probably taken in the 1920s by local photographer Evie Barbour. The current owners have greatly improved the house while retaining it’s historic design.
1 Neese, Abby Sargent, Sargentville Historical Reminiscences, Courier-Gazette, Inc., Rockland, Maine 1975, P. 26