Bradley Cottage and the Wendell Bradley Memorial Service (HOM.21)
Photos of the Bradley Cottage and a copy of the Memorial Service by popular Wendell Bradley.
The Edward and Sarah Bradley cottage

The lovely summer homes of the Rev. Edward Bradley family (house on the left) and Herbert W. Wesson were built on land that was once the farm of Parker B. Billings.
According to Abby Sargent Neese, the Bradleys “first boarded at Aunt Mary Milliken’s, then bought land and built a camp.” Per Sylvia Wardwell, the camp burned and they built their house in the early twenties. The Reverend Edward Bradley, a minister at Hampton Institute, Virginia and his wife had one son Edward, twin sons John and Wendell, and a daughter Helen.” 1 Over the years the house has had several changes.
The text that follows was from the Sargentville service for the Bradley’s 40 year old son Wendell who died in an auto accident in 1967. Wendell, a frequent visitor, was well liked in town and was very fond of the people of Sargentville.
1 Neese, Abby Sargent, Sargentville Historical Reminiscences, Courier-Gazette, Inc., Rockland, Maine, 1975, page 25 and personal communication with Sylvia Conner Wardwell.