The family homes of Hiram, Frank and Ralph Harding on Harding Lane.
The house on the left on Harding Lane belonged to Frank and Cora Harding. Their son Ralph (1897-1960) had the home on the right and Frank’s father Hiram lived in the house near the shore that can be seen in the center of the photo. Ralph married Marion Farnsworth Wardwell in 1924 and ran a garage on Reach Road. Ralph’s house has been torn down but Frank and Cora’s home is being beautifully restored by Pat Egan.

Frank Harding’s home

This photo of Hiram’s house was taken from Frank’s porch.

Hiram’s house on the shore of Billings Cove. This photo was taken before the DI Bridge. Hiram (!834-1915) and Jane M. Harding (1839-1917) were married in 1858 and had six children, Hattie C., Frank H., Nora J., George H., Arthur H., and Susie S.

Hiram and Jane’s house in the winter. It burned to the ground c.1926 and a cottage replaced it.

The Kelleher cottage that replaced Hiram’s home after it burned

Harding’s Wharf. The house above it was Hiram’s.

Harding’s Wharf viewed from the water.

Another view of the wharf.

Harding Point at low tide

Harding Point at high tide