Jasper Sargent’s Journal 1889-1890 (PEO.40C)

Transcription of Jasper Sargent’s journal, 1889-1890.

The Journal of Captain Jasper Newton Sargent 1889-1890

April 1 1890
Apr 1 The first part fine pleasant weather

We shot Chief the horse this AM has been lame for two weeks.

2 Comes in fine pleasant weather with the wind from the WNW cool
3 The first of this day fine and moderate PM the wind from the SW light
April 4 This day comes in cloudy with the wind from the SE middle part wind SW and rain
5 Comes in thick dull weather with frequent snow squalls wind north Latter part quite clear
6 All this day moderate and most of the time overcast  Did not go to church
7 Comes in cloudy and moderate looking like rain  Latter part wind from NW clear and cool
8 This day comes in clear and cool with the wind from the NW Fred gone to Ellsworth
9 Comes in thick Easterly weather with some snow through the night  raining with strong breeze
10 Comes in overcast with the wind from the SW Latter part thick
11 Comes in cloudy and moderate light breeze from the NE
12 Fine weather all day with the wind from the NW to SW
13 All day quite pleasant
14 Fine weather at 4 AM went to North Castine ferry took the Str to Belfast arrive at 10 AM PM went to Searsport stayed overnight
15 Fine pleasant weather with strong breeze from the NW   bought a horse of W Grissnell and went to Bucksport ferry did not get across until 7 PM stayed in Bucksport one night Geo Grant was __ by the  __ today
16 Fine weather wind NW  Left Bucksport at 7 AM bad travelling arrived home at 12:30 a

Mrs Bartlett CP died last Monday

17 Comes in cloudy and cool with the wind from the SW  Mrs Rev CP Bartlett buried this PM
18 Comes in cool with fresh breeze from the NW Latter part the same
19 The first of this day cool with the wind from the NW Cimbrian came on her first trip
20 All this day quite pleasant with the wind from the NW
21 Comes in Moderate with the wind from the SW fine and cool latter part
22 Fine pleasant weather all this day
23 Comes in fine and moderate Light shower in the night
24 First part calm and quiet pleasant-Latter part the same
25 All this day pleasant and cool
26 Fine first part and calm PM wind south and cloudy
1890 Journal Sargentville
Apr 27 All this AM snow and rain PM cloudy and cool wind from the north
28 First part cloudy with rain from the north cool middle part quite clear
29 Comes in calm and pleasant PM wind from the SE and cloudy Schr Governor came in
30 Comes in with the wind from the SSE and cloudy overcast
May 1 This day comes in quite pleasant with the wind from SW
2 All this day cool and pleasant with wind westerly
3 Fine and cool all day
4 First part cloudy with wind east Latter part raining Schr Anaa Barker arrives in Portland from __
5 Comes in with heavy rains Comes with thick fog and moderate
6 Comes in moderate and foggy  Middle and latter parts raining heavy
7 Comes in quite moderate with wind from the NW clearing weather
8 Comes in cloudy and dull wind from the NE moderate Latter part clearing weather
9 First part clearing weather with the wind from the NNW  Latter part raining
10 Comes in raining and moderate at 10 AM  quite clear Latter part raining
11 All this day dull and cloudy
12 Comes in pleasant and cool Started at 5 am for Bucksport to exchange magans Exchanges with Packard Leach  arrived home at 5:30 PM wind SW fresh
13 Comes in dull and misty with the wind SE through the night dull with showers
14 First part dull and raining with the wind South  9 am thick with fogg  Through the night raining
May 15 The first of this day thick and raining with the wind Easterly
16 Latter part thick foggy weather
17 Comes in fine pleasant weather with the wind from the west
18 All this day quite pleasant and cool  Wind from the west to SW  No preaching at the church Rev Mr Davis having a vacation
19 Comes in cloudy and cool with light breeze from the SE
20 Comes in raining with wind from the SE through the day storming
21 All this day fine weather with the wind from the NW fresh
22 Comes in with the wind from the N East fresh with pleasant weather Fred gone to Bluehill this PM with Lancaster the ice merchant
23 Comes in cool with the wind from the N East  Fred gone to Ellsworth with JM Robinson  Fred home at 9:30 PM
24 First part cloudy and moderate wind light from the SE  PM fine weather quite warm
25 All this day pleasant with the wind from the South   Went to North Sedgwick today to attend services  a memorial discourse delivered by Mr Thompson house filled
May 26 This day comes in calm and quite pleasant  Latter part dull and raining with the wind SE
27 Comes in moderate and raining with the wind SE BC Sargent and wife gone to Belfast his vessel being there to repair  Schr Anna W Bart__ of Castine  through the night raining
28 This day comes in with thick weather and heavy rain  wind from the east  Latter part wind north moderate
29 Comes in quite clear and fresh breeze from the north cool  Latter part fine weather
30 Memorial Day all my teams gone to Bluehill to ___ fine weather  Latter part fine weather  Got pig of Saml Black for $12.50
31 This day comes in with fine pleasant weather with the wind from the north
June 1 Fine pleasant weather all day
2 All this day fine weather and fresh breeze from the NW
3 Comes in fine pleasant weather and wind from the NW fresh PM wind from the SE cloudy
4 Comes in overcast with light breeze from the SE at 12 noon raining through the night raining
5 First part dull thick weather with the wind from the East Latter part dull thick weather
6 Comes in moderate and dull weather  middle part warm and sultry with wind SE
June 7 All this day to 7 PM pleasant weather latter part showers
8 Comes in with cool breeze from the NW all day
9 First part moderate and cool at 9 am strong breeze from the west Wm Smith planting the gardening  Heavy breeze from the NW at noon  Latter part moderate
10 Comes in fine weather with the wind from the NW clear Latter part clear
11 Comes in calm and overcast  At 3 pm the wind came in fresh breeze the SE and came through the night wind East fresh
June 12 Comes in with fresh breeze from the East and overcast middle part the same  Louie in Schr Norman beating down the Reach  Louie anchored at 12 noon  LGS & RH Sargent went to Castine through the night raining
13 The first of this day strong breeze from the ESE and raining  Latter part thick and stormy
14 First part thick and moderate Latter part the same
15 Fine pleasant weather all day LJ Sargent sailed for New Haven
16 Comes in calm and fair weather Ends with light breeze from the SSW
June 17 Fine pleasant weather all this day with the wind from the SW  Fred went to Blue Hill and bought a 5 year old mare of Merrill and Hinckley
18 Comes in calm and warm with some fogg  Middle an latter parts warm and moderate had a shower at 5 pm
19 Comes in with the wind from the NE and cool middle wind SE fresh breeze  Latter part moderate
20 Comes in fine pleasant weather am wind NW  PM SW  evening calm
21 First part calm and clear  Latter part pleasant
22 Pleasant all day with the wind SW
1890 Journal Sargentville
June 22 Comes in cloudy with wind East  Latter part light rains
23 First part thick and raining with the wind east  Latter part raining
24 All this day dull with rain at night
25 Comes in with thick Easterly rainy weather moderate Latter part rain
26 Comes in with rains and wind NE 1 am quite clear fresh breeze from North
27 First part rain  Middle part quite clear with wind from the north
28 All this day quite pleasant
29 Fine weather all day  Went to church
June 30 Comes in pleasant and warm Showers in the afternoon
July 1 All this day fine pleasant weather  AM wind SW  PM SE
2 Comes in fine weather and warm
3 All this day dull with rain  Wind SE  Latter part raining
July 4 The 4th comes in dull and light rains with airs from the SE  Most of the Boys Fred Arthur Elman Harry Dority John Byard and others went to Portland yesterday  the naval fleet are to be at Portland today also the army of the Potomac  Latter part rainy
5 This day comes in moderate and rainy thick easterly weather
6 All this day fine weather and moderate
7 Comes in moderate and warm  Ends with fine weather calm weather
8 Fine weather all day at 7 pm the wind came from the west
9 All this day fine weather middle part  strong breeze from the NW
10 Comes in fine weather and moderate  Ends the same
11 First part wind East light and overcast  middle part calm and warm
12 All this day fine weather
13 Fine weather all this day went to Church Rev Mr Mason __ in the pulpit  Evening lecture at the chapel Mr Mason
14 Comes in quite pleasant Latter part fine pleasant weather  Put 2 cows in Frank E Billings pasture
15 Comes in fine pleasant weather  Mostly calm  Latter part fine
16 Comes in fine and warm  at 12 noon 90 degrees in the shade  Latter part pleasant
17 First part clear 8 am overcast and wind from the SE light
18 All this day fresh breeze from the NW and fine pleasant weather
July 19 Comes in with light breezes from the SE and cool  Latter part showers
20 All this day with a few exceptions pleasant with the wind from the north
21 Comes in with the wind from the NW and cool pleasant weather Latter part calm
22 First part fine with light breeze from the south
23 Fine and cool all day with wind fresh from SW
24 All this day wind from the SE and dull weather Geo Holdens remains went on the Richmond to Portland
25 Comes in rainy mackerel were caught in the cove today
26 Comes in thick with fogg and wind from the South with rain
27 All this day fine pleasant weather  went to church
28 Comes in fine with the wind from the west  middle part wind SW  Latter part calm
29 Comes in calm and overcast with warm  Latter part warm and some fogg
30 First part calm and foggy middle and latter parts southerly winds and warm
31 All this day wind from the SSW and a little dull
Aug 1 Comes in fine weather with the wind north  commenced haying at J Eatons place
2 All this day fine pleasant hot weather finished getting the hay on the point-fields in good order
3 All this day till evening pleasant  foggy through the night  went to church
4 Comes in foggy and moderate  middle part quite clear and hot  Latter part cool
5 Comes in foggy middle part fresh breeze from the south  Latter part overcast
6 Comes in dull and foggy with breeze from the south latter part clear
7 Fine weather with the wind from the NW  Latter part calm and warm  Party to Bluehill with buckboard
8 Fine pleasant weather all day warm Fred party to Bluehill
9 Comes in with wind from the SE 7 am foggy  12 noon quite clear
10 Comes in dull with light airs  PM clear in the night Showery
11 Comes in with cloudy weather with the wind from the north cool
12 All this day quite pleasant
13 Comes in quite pleasant and cool  Latter part rainy
14 First part thick and rainy Latter part fine weather
Aug 15 Comes in fine pleasant weather  calm  Fred and R Dority gone to Bluehill with a party from western __
16 Fine pleasant weather and cool  Fred gone to Bluehill with a party
17 All this day till evening pleasant through the night rainy
18  Fine most of the day cool at night
19 Comes in cool and fine weather through the night raining
20 Comes in with thick rainy weather  At 8 wind NW clearing away somewhat  In the evening the Chapel Circle had a ___ at the Chapel  good attendance  Proceeds $57.73
21 Fine pleasant weather all day till evening through the night raining
22 Comes in rainy cleared at 8 AM  Latter part dull
23 Comes in thick weather at 7 some raining  Latter part quite pleasant
24 First part thick with some rain  Latter quite pleasant
25 Comes in cloudy at 8 cleared up  Latter part fine weather
26 All this day fine weather  Went to West Brooksville with Lathrup. Fred has a lame back
27 All this day till 4 PM strong breeze from SE and heavy rain
Aug 28 Comes in fine with fresh breeze from the NW  Fred went to North Castine  I went to Brooksville and Bluehill  Lawn party ay WN Meanses  Str Richmond came up at 12 midnight  Arthur Sargent went on her bound to Waterville to school  Nora Harding bound West Cambridge Mass  Hattie & Effie Sargent bound to Portsmouth to join Lewie
29 Fine and warm  Latter part cloudy and cool
30 Comes in dull with the wind from the ESE fresh breeze  Nellie Morgan finished work for JNS
31  All this day fine pleasant weather went to church in the evening at the Chapel Sargentville had a Sabath School concert  150 present

Sept 1

Comes in fine pleasant weather with the wind from the NW   Fred out with buckboard
2 Comes in fine and warm light breeze from the SW clear
3 Comes in fine pleasant warm weather AM light breeze from the SE clear
4 Pleasant weather most of the day  Ends pleasant
5 All this day cloudy with some rain
6 Comes in warm and pleasant with wind from the SW
7 All this day fine weather and moderate
8 Comes in fine moderate weather Latter part cloudy
9 First part cloudy with the wind easterly  middle part raining Latter part dull
10 Comes in with the wind from the NE overcast latter part same
11 First part moderate and overcast light breeze for the NE
12 Comes in dull  4 am rainy  Middle part the same  Latter part raining
13 Comes in raining and throughout the day strong breeze from the south  AM raining  Latter part quite pleasant
Sept 14 The first and middle parts quite pleasant  Latter part raining  Went to church
15 Comes in rainy and moderate dull and raining all day
16 Comes in dull and heavy rains  Ends the same
17 First middle and latter parts raining wind East
18 Comes in with Easterly rains moderate middle part wind north raining
19 All this day quite pleasant
20 Comes in dull and foggy Latter part clear
21 All this day fine with the wind from the NW fresh  Went to church
22 Comes in cloudy and dull wind from the NE middle part SE
23 All this day fine pleasant weather  The Hancock ___ Association met at Sedgwick this evening
24 All day fine weather  WH Sargent staying with us through the meetings of the Association
25 Fine pleasant weather all dy PM fresh breeze from the SW  WH Sargent left on the Richmond  meetings of the Association closes at 9:30 PM after a pleasant week thus far with interesting meetings and large attendance
26 Comes in moderate and cool through the day cloudy with wind SE
27 Comes in dull AM some rain wind East Latter part wind NNE and cool
28 All this day quite cool with the wind from the NE  Went to church Rev Mr __ in the pulpit
29 Comes in cool with the wind from the NE & quite clear  PM wind westerly light
30 Comes in cool with fine weather Wind from the west Congregational Conference at Brooksville today
Oct 1 1890 All this day fine pleasant weather  Town Fair at Bluehill
Oct 2 Fine pleasant weather and warm all day
3 Fine weather Schr Anna W Butler came in this PM from Boston to load paving for ___
4 All this AM cloudy and moderate in the night rain
5 Fine weather all day wind NW
6 Comes in fine with the wind NW fresh Middle part to the south
7 All this day cool and cloudy
8 Comes in with dull rainy weather wind east
9 All this day quite pleasant
Oct 10 Came in with the wind from the NE cool clear pleasant  PM SW with rain Latter part
11 Comes in with the wind NW cloudy  Latter part clear fresh breeze  BC Sargent Schr Anna W Butler sailed for Newport at 11 AM
12 All this day fresh breeze from the NW
13 Comes in fresh breeze from the NW clear and cool

Calvin Billings died at 10 AM age 76 years

Fred gone to Ellsworth with EP Spofford  and AM at the court ___

14 Comes in fine pleasant weather Schr Robert Dority at the wharf with cod  Latter part rain
15 First part rain 9 am quite clear with the wind west  Middle part pleasant with fresh breeze from the NW

Calvin Billings was buried this AM  A true Christian gone home to rest .  The first funeral in the Chapel

16 Comes in fine pleasant weather with the wind west  Latter part cloudy wind east
17  First and middle parts wind East and raining  PM strong breeze  Last part clearing away
18 First part clear and cool with wind from the NW fresh at 10 am  Latter part wind SE cloudy
19 All this day dull with the wind from the SW Latter part raining with wind East
20 Comes in fresh breeze from the NE and rain  Latter part clear with wind north
21 Comes in with fresh breeze from the North and clear
22 Fine pleasant all day  Harvest Home PM
23 Fine pleasant weather all day ___wind north cool
24 Cloudy with wind East
Oct 25 Comes in strong breeze from NE and cloudy
26 All this day cloudy with wind from the NE fresh
27 Comes in strong breeze from NE cloudy and cool in the evening raining
28 In the night cleared up and wind came from the NW fresh  middle strong breeze and clear  Latter part moderate
29 All this am fine pleasant weather and moderate  Latter part storm wind SE
30 Heavy blow from the SW forenoon then __ this morning   PM wind NW clear and cool
Oct 31 This day comes in pleasant middle part cloudy with the wind SE looking like snow
November 1 1890
1 Comes in dull and raining middle part cleared up with the wind west
2 Most of this day raining with the wind south to SW
3 Comes in with strong breeze from the WSW quite clear
4 All this day wind SW to NW cool  latter part fresh breeze SW
5 Comes in fresh breeze from the SW

20 men at work grading Chapel Grounds  Heavy wind from the SW

Nov 6 Comes in fine pleasant weather and moderate breeze from the SW

Effie came home from Rockland

7 First part cloudy middle part quite pleasant with wind SE  Latter part dull cloudy weather
8 Comes in overcast and fresh breeze from the SSW  Latter part __

Hattie came home

9 All this AM wind SE and quite cool  Latter part rain
10 Comes in raining with the wind from the SW at 9 am wind NW and clear
11 Comes in moderate and quite cold  Ends with fine weather
12 Fine weather and moderate Latter part fine  pleasant weather
13 Comes in fine pleasant weather and nearly calm  PM light breeze from the SW  myself and wife went to Brooklin this PM called on John Eaton
14 First part fine weather and calm   Geo Jordan plowing the orchard today  middle part strong breeze from the west  Latter part pleasant
15 Comes in pleasant middle part cloudy with light breeze from the SE Latter part rain
16 At 7 am cleared up with the wind NW  Latter part SW  Went to church
17 Comes in cloudy with wind SW  PM and Latter part heavy rains  wind NE fresh
18 First part heavy rains with wind NE  9 am snowing  PM cleared up with wind NW
19 First part quite clear  7 am cloudy 9 am rain with wind south

Frank Harding and Elman Sargent gone to Ellsworth with Full team back at 8:30

20  Comes in quite pleasant with wind NW Latter part pleasant
21  Fine pleasant weather and cold  Latter part cloudy
22 Comes in cloudy wind SW  Latter part quite clear and cool
23 All this day cool with wind N Westerly
24 First part wind NWQ and cold Middle part moderate  Latter part cloudy with wind from south
25 Comes in cloudy wind south Latter part fine weather
26 Fine pleasant weather wind NW  Ends the same the same  Richmond came in at 11 pm
27 Thanksgiving day fine pleasant  weather and moderate

Hattie & Effie BCS wife and two children here to dinner  had a 10 pond goose for dinner

28 Comes in fine with cool weather the coldest this fall so far  Fred gone with ___Donation at the Parsonage Rev Mr Davis
29 Comes in overcast and moderate  WL Bucks Horse died this morning  was sick when she came here last evening
30 All this day overcast and moderate in the forenoon  PM wind from the SSW
Dec 1 1890
Dec 1 Comes in with strong breeze from the north and quite cold
2 Comes in cold 6 below fresh breeze from the NW  Latter part the same
3 Comes in cold and moderate  10 below this morning 10 am light breeze from the East  Latter part snow and rain
4 This day comes in with heavy breezed from the SE and rain Str City of Richmond lay at the wharf last night left this morning at 9  wind west fresh with snow squals
J Byard killed my pig this AM  weight 270 May pig
5 Comes in moderate quite cold and overcast Azor Dodges pig weighed 304 March pig

HB Hardings pig weighed 340

6 Comes in 6 below and moderate  Latter part strong breeze from NW
7 All day cold and strong breeze from the NW
8 Moderate and overcast Latter part the same
9 All this day moderate and cloudy
10 Comes in quite moderate with light breeze from the SE through the night snow
11 Comes in fine pleasant weather light snow on the ground
12 All this day quite cold with fresh breeze from the NW
13 Comes in cold 5 below with strong breeze from the NW
14 All this day cloudy quite good sleighing Sunday
15 Comes in calm and quite warm light airs from the west  Latter part cold with wind NW
16 Comes in cold and moderate quite good sleighing
17 Wind NE and cloudy through the night raining with strong breeze
18 Comes in with rain and sleat-strong breeze from the NE  Latter part heavy winds from the NW
19 Comes in with heavy gale from the NW and cold  10 above  middle part strong wind  Latter more moderate

The John Jordan House burned

20 Comes in quite moderate 5 above
21 All this day dull and clear  Latter part rain Went to church
22 Comes in fine with wind from the NW quite clear

James Byards Store at Sedgwick was closed by the Sherif last week

23 Comes in cloudy and moderate  Ends moderate and clear
24 Comes in moderate middle part strong breeze from the NW and clear

In the evening Christmas Tree and supper in the Chapel proceeds 23.66

The new organ and ___ put in today  Organ presented by GM Sargent

25 All this day cold with fresh breeze from the NW  Evening Christmas Tree at the ___
26 Comes in cloudy with light breeze from the NE 2 below  Latter part tough snowstorm
27 Comes in with wind NE with snow and rain  at 9pm started raining wind came from the NNW and cooler
28 Cloudy and dull all day quite cold
29 AM at 9 commenced snowing  Latter part clear and cold
30 Comes in clear and cold  8 below  Latter part clear and cold
31 Comes in clear and cold  10 below very moderate Richmond here for last time today.