Jonathan Moore Civil War letter 1862 (MIL.2)

A letter home in 1862 from Jonathan Moore, a soldier in Company B of the 2nd Maine Infantry.

A letter home from Jonathan L. Moore

Jonathan L. Moore was a soldier in Company B, 2nd Maine Infantry during the Civil War.  While in Camp Jamerson, Halls Hill, across the Potomac River from Washington, D.C., he wrote the following letter home. A scan and transcript of the original letter is followed by information about Jonathan.

A letter home from Jonathan L. Moore in 1862

A letter home from Jonathan L. Moore in 1862

Transcription of Jonathan’s letter home.

“Headquarters Camp Jamerson
2nd Reg’t Maine Volunteers Comp’n E
Halls Hill Jany 4th 1862

Dear Child, I write you a few lines and show you what kind of letter paper we have here.  You can see how our camps look here 4 of us sleep in one camp.  David B. Herrick belongs to Com. B Capt. Gilden of Castine.  Today is the coldest day that I have seen here & you would call it a warm one at Sedgwick.  Write soon for we don’t know when we shall be callen from this place.  Direct as I directed you in your mother’s letter tell Charles that I shall bring him a present when I come home if I live to see you all.    Tell W.B. Robbins that he would like to be here nothing to do & live well. I am in the hospital and like it first rate.

I must draw to a close it is almost supper time.  From son Father and Friend.

J.L. Moore”

Information about Jonathan L. Moore

Compiled by David Anderson, Sargentville, Maine

Information related to Jonathan L. Moore. Compiled by David Anderson, Sargentville, Maine

Information related to Jonathan L. Moore. Compiled by David Anderson, Sargentville, Maine