No 1 and No 2 Schools (EDU.1)
Photos and text identifying the No 1 and No 2 Sedgwick schools.
No. 2 Schoolhouse
The following note is on the reverse of card which is postmarked July 9, 1909: “The old schoolhouse is altered now, the benches are replaced by new ones very like the same our penknives had defaced but the same old bricks in the wall. The bell swings to and fro.”
This note suggests that, in 1909, the schoolhouse had been in use for several years. The school, burned to the ground September 22, 1922 due to a defective chimney1 and was replaced in 1923 by one that was used for school purposes until the school was closed and the building became the Town Office.
No. 1 Schoolhouse

The building behind the church in North Sedgwick was the No.1 schoolhouse. Later it was used as a firehouse.
1 From Dora Currier’s journal, September 27, 1922.