Sara Stover’s Retirement Party May 1967
Photos donated by Catharine Marston.
Sara was the Sedgwick Town Clerk for many years. As a young woman she was a teacher who was remembered for her kindness and willingness to give students the extra help they needed to succeed.

Sara Stinson Stover with her sisters Annah and Susan

Wines Haskell, Kenneth Douglass, Sara Stover

Sara in the middle, Ted Grindal in back of Sara. The man on the right is one of the Jordan family that lived across from the Stinsons in Surry.

Margaret Carter. Sarah’s sister Annah has her back to the camera.

Dorothea and Foster Blake, Edgar Torrey

Dennis Carter, Gray, Royce and Dorothy Varnum

Agnes Hale in the middle, the Blakes and Ted Grindal on right, Dorothea Blake on the left.

Velma Brown, Ruth and Ted Grindal, Marion Harding on right,

Eva Bridges, Horace and Blaine Wardwell, Velma Brown, Sylvia Wardwell to Velma’s right. Margaret Carter is in back of Blaine.