Sargent Family Photo Album (PEO.24)
Photos of many of the Sargent family. They were scanned by David Anderson from an album donated to the library by Clyde B. Sargent
The Sargent Family Photo Album
The photos in this document were scanned by David Anderson from an album given to the Sargentville Library by Clyde B. Sargent. The photos appear in the same order in which they occurred and the information about the people is the same as that provided in the album.
- Unidentified Lady
- Eudora Philbrook Sargent
- Henry Wyer Sargent
- Martha Louise Sargent Roberts
- Arthur Henry Sargent
- Effie Sargent Parker daughter of Lewellyn and Hattie, wife of Albert Parker
- Unidentified Gentleman
- Rodney Sargent Jr.
- Fannie Baker Sargent, wife of Rodney
- Mrs. Davis
- Rev. E. A. Davis
- George Bartlett Gower, oldest son of Harrison Bartlett Gower and Maria Susan Dix Gower
- Unidentified Lady (her photo is opposite George Gower in the album
- Unidentified Lady
- Unidentified Gentleman
- Maria Gower Sargent, 3rd wife of Wyer G. Sargent
- Wyer Groves Sargent
- Unidentified Young Man
- Unidentified Young Lady
- Unidentified Children
- Unidentified Child
- Unidentified Children
- Unidentified Boys
- Unidentified Lady
- Mary Milliken
- Unidentified Lady
- Addison Sargent with Helen Gower
- Mary Sargent Milliken
- Helen Gower (loose photo in album). May 1893 Age 20 months
- Written on he reverse side of the Helen Gower photo
- LR Uncle Brainard (LR) and 3 unidentified persons
- (LL) May S. Clark, Hardwick, MA., (LR) Fred Nelson Spooner, Presque Isle, ME., others unidentified
- Welland Sargent (L), H. W. Sargent (Rt)
- Unidentified Lady
- ddison Sargent, Lucius B. Sargent, Angie Spooner
- Angie Spooner Dority, Uncle Brainard, Bk. Rt. Angie Dority
- Tommie Parker, Bucksport; unidentified babies