Sargentville Wharf History (BUS.6)
Store photos and text describing the changes in the wharf over the years.
History of Sargentville Shoreline Business written by Philip Sargent, and photos of the wharf over time.
Digital Photos donated by Diana Wood, Ed Chapin and Sylvia Wardwell
- Sargentville Shoreline Business written by Philip Sargent
- Sargentville Shoreline Business written by Philip Sargent
- Sargentville Shoreline Business written by Philip Sargent
- The Shore Road, circa 1900. The small shed used store dynamite. Fish Wharf at the end of the Shore Road, Sargentville, ME.
- Schooners or “coasters” that often stopped at the Sargentville Wharf. These ships were the trucks of their day and transported goods all over the world.
- Coal wharf and middle cannery with Herber Hooper in Ford on the frozen Reach in about 1916.
- The steamboat wharf locked in ice in the winter
- Steamer Pemaquid. Harding Sail Loft after it was moved in 1914 from the main wharf to a new building on Shore Road. Beyond the Sail Loft are the coal wharf, middle cannery building and the steamboat wharf beyond that.
- JT Morse (the larger ship) is coming in for a landing at Sargentville. The Pemaquid is out in the Reaqch so the Morse can make her lnading. The Morse was too long to permit the Pemaqquid to haul around to the eastern side of the wharf (as in the case of the Boothbay). Settler’s Rest cemetery is at the left of the picture.
- Hardin’s Sail Loft built here in 1914. It was still in the location in 1939.
- The car ferry to Deer Isle before the Deer Isle Bridge was built in 1939.
- Right to left before 1925 – Coal Wharf, middle-cannery building with additions ande a new building on the left.
- This photo from the 1950s shows a marked change in the shoreline structures. The coaswarf is gone and in 1925 Herbert Dority’s barn was added in front of the middle cannery building.
- The wharf in a storm in the 1960s This shows what remains of the steamboat wharf in its reincarnation as the Bay State Lobster and Crabmeat Corp. The former Herbert Dority barn is on the right, placed there in 1925 to function as a clam and blueberry canning factory. This old canning factory is the only old building still standing in 2014 and now serves as a summer residence.