Sons of Temperance Meeting Minutes 1847-1850 (SOC.5)
Sedgwick Sons of Temperance Minutes 1847-1850
Sons of Temperance Rio Grande Division No 63
The following is a transcript of the meeting minutes of the Sons of Temperance chapter in Sedgwick, Maine. An effort was made to retain the original spelling and punctuation of the original documents.
The records, which are in three booklets, are incomplete in that there is no obvious end to the Sons of Temperance Division No 63 or the Watchman Club but they may have been disbanded as the prohibition effort gained national attention and support.
Booklet no. 1–February 24, 1847 through December 18, 1850
Wording, spelling and punctuation are, with some exceptions, as written in the minutes.
Sedgwick Feb 24, 1847
Agreeable to previous notice @ meeting was holden for the purpose of organizing the Rio Grande Division No 63 of the Sons of Temperance. The following officers were present and officiated-namely-
Amos Herrick DGWP
John Irwin DGC
Moses Dodge (acting) PWP
Jonathan S. Moore DGS
The following persons were initiated into the order of the Sons of Temperance.
Edward Morgan,
S. G. Philbrook
K. K. Morgan
A.B. Hodgdon
Phillip Pervear
Kitridge Hooper
Thomas T. Pervear
And the following persons were admitted by card from M. & M. Division No 30- namely- Wyer G. Sargent, Abel Sawyer and Ellis Harden-
The following persons were duly elected and installed officers of the Rio Grande Division No 63 S. of T. for the present quarter- namely
Abel Sawyer WP
A.B. Hodgden WA
S. G. Philbrook RS
K.K. Morgan FS
K. Hooper IS
Ellis Harden CS
W. G. Sargent PWP
Closed receipts-$17.00
S.G. Philbrook RS
Sedgwick Feb 26, 1847
At a special meeting of Rio Grande opened by the WP the following business was transacted viz
1st voted to adopt the by-laws of Mariners and Mechanics Division for the present.
2nd the following brothers were appointed visiting committee (viz) WG Sargent, Phillip Pervear & Ellis Harden.
3rd brother WG Sargent, K Hooper & KH Morgan were appointed a committee of finance
4th brethren L G Philbrook, E Morgan & –Pervear were appointed Investigatory committee
5th WG Sargent- SG Philbrook & E Morgan were appointed @ committee on the case of Wm Sargent who presented @ card for admission from M & M Division No 30.
6th the above committee reported favorably on the case of Wm H. Sargent
7th Wm H. Sargent was constitutionally elected @ member of this Division
8th voted to adopt article 12 of —Division which reads as follows “It shall be particularly enjoined upon members of this division to abstain from chewing or smoking Tobacco in the Hall of the Division.
9th voted the RS FS & T be authorized to purchase the necessary books for their business.
10th to accept the offer of Br P Pervear to frame the charter & present the same to the division.
11th that the opening ceremonies be closed by prayer
12th Br W.G. Sargent was appointed chaplain for the present quarter
13th S.G. Philbrook was appointed to bring in a resolution for discussion 2 weeks from this evening
14th Messers F.P. Billings Lewis Carlton, and Robert Condon of Brooksville were proposed as candidates for our order by Br A Sawyer
Receipts $1.00
S.G. Philbrook RS
Sedgwick March 3rd 1847
At a regular meeting of the Rio Grande Division No 63 S of T opened by the WP
1st Initiated Hon Parker Tuck (petitioner) as a member of this division
2nd The investigatory committee reported favorably on the names of Frederick P. Billings, Lewis Carlton and Robert Carlton.
3rd Voted to accept said report
4th The above named gentlemen were constitutionally elected members of this Division.
5th voted that Bro WG Sargent procure the Emblems of office
6th Br WG Sargent was appointed to bring @ a Resolution to be discussed 3 weeks from this eve.
Receipts $2.00
S.G. Philbrook RS
Sedgwick March 10, 1847
At a regular meeting Rio Grande Division No 63 opened by the WP the following business was transacted- viz-
1st voted that the R.G. be instructed to write to the G.W.S. relative to books, cards, etc. for this Division
2nd The following Resolution was presented by S.G. Philbrook-namely-
“Resolved that while we recognize in the institution of our order the strongest earthly bonds which can unite friends of Total Abstinence within his own breast the principles of Temperance Love and Virtue, we still hold it- to the duty of every brother to labour with untiring zeal to reform the unfortunate inebriate @ raise him to that elevation which will entitle him to @ seat within our circle”.
3rd voted to accept the above resolution for discussion.
4th Br Tuck was appointed to bring in @ resolution 3 weeks from this eve.
Receipts $ .30
S. G. Philbrook RS
Sedgwick March 17, 1847
At a regular meeting Rio Grande Division No 63 opened by the WP the following business was transacted- viz-
1st After a brief discussion of the resolution presented by SG Philbrook it was voted to adopt same.
2nd Voted that the thanks of this Division be presented to Br Pervear for the frame for the charter presented by him.
Receipts $ .60
S.J. Philbrook RS
March 24, 1847
At a regular meeting Rio Grande Division S of T No 63 the following business was transacted- viz-
1st Opened by the WP
2nd Chose Br Wm H. Sargent R.S. protem
3rd heard an address from the P.W.P.
4th installed Br Wm H. Sargent as conductor
5 appointed Br K Hooper to deliver an address in 2 weeks.
Wm H Sargent RS protem
March 31, 1847
At a regular meeting Rio Grande Division No 63 opened by the WP the following business was transacted- viz
1st opened by the WP
2nd voted for the officers of the Division hold over for the quarter ensuing
3rd that we proceed to fill vacancies in the officers of the Division
4th that SG Philbrook Wm H Sargent P Pervear @ the WP be @ committee to nominate candidates
5th Said committee reports the name of Hon. Parker Tuck for WA
6th voted to accept said report
7th elected Honn P Tuck WA
Receipts $.60
SG Philbrook RS
April 7, 1847
At a regular meeting Rio Grande Division No 63 opened by the WP the following business was transacted- viz-
1st opened by the WP
2nd Br Wm H Sargent was appointed RS protem
3rd Heard remarks from several bretheren
4th Chose the WP to deliver and address in 2 weeks
Wm H Sargent RS protem
April 14, 1847
At a regular meeting Rio Grande Division No 63 opened by the WP the following business was transacted- viz-
1st opened by the W.P.
2nd Appointed Br Wm H Sargent RS protem
3rd heard an address from Br K Hooper
4th Chose Br Wm H Sargent to speak on some subject 2 weeks from this evening
Wm H. Sargent RS protem
April 21, 1847
At a regular meeting Rio Grande Division No 63 opened by the WP the following business was transacted- viz-
1st opened by the W.P.
2nd heard an address fro our WP
3rd voted to accept the Emblem of Office furnished by Br W.G. Sargent
4th The following resolution after discussion was decided in the negative, viz “that woman has more influence over man than money”.
Receipt $ 1.20
SG Philbrook RS
April 28, 1847
At a regular meeting Rio Grande Division No 63 opened by the WP the following business was transacted- viz-
1st opened by the P.W.P.
2nd appointed Br Wm H. Sargent RS protem
3rd voted to postpone Br Wm H sergeants address one week
4th to accept Br WG Sargents Bill
5th chose Br E Morgan to speak on @ resolve 2 weeks from this evening
6th Mr Frederick P Billings DS Roberts proposed by Br Wm H Sargent
Wm H Sargent RS protem
May 5 1847
At a regular meeting Rio Grande Division No 63 opened by the WP the following business was transacted- viz-
1st opened by the W.P.
2nd The investigatory committee reported favorably on the case of F. P. Billings
3rd Mr Billings was constitutionally elected @ member of the Rio Grande Division No 63 S of T
4th heard remarks on the following resolution brot in by Wm H Sargent (viz) “Resolved that men by living single, mar their own happiness”
5th voted to lay the resolution on the table
SG Philbrook RS protem
May 12 1847
At a regular meeting Rio Grande Division No 63 opened by the WP the following business was transacted- viz-
1st opened by the W.P.
2nd The investigatory committee reported favorably on the case of Mr Leonard Roberts
3rd Mr Roberts was constitutionally elected a member of this Division
4th chose Wm H Sargent LG Philbrook A Sawyer & WG Sargent @ committee to prepare a code of bylaws
5th voted to adopt the resolution submitted by Br Wm H Sargent
Receipts $.60
SG Philbrook RS
May 15 1847
At a special meeting of Rio Grande Division the following business was transacted (viz)
1st opened by WP
2nd Brethern FP Billings & Leonard Roberts were initiated into the order of the Sons of Temperance as members of the Division.
3rd Br P. Tuck was installed as WA
4th SG Philbrook, WG Sargent-LP Tuck were appointed @ committee to nominate a candidate for A.R.S.
5th Said committee reported the name of F.P. Billings
6th FP Billings was elected ARS
7th Mr Wm Roberts was proposed
Receipts $ 4.30
SG Philbrook RS
May 19, 1847
At a regular meeting Rio Grande Division No 63 opened by the WP the following business was transacted- viz-
1st opened by the W.P.
2nd heard remarks by several of the brethren upon the following resolution submitted by Br WG Sargent-“Resolved that the people of Maine, as a mass, with all their cold, labour, & toil enjoy @ greater degree of happiness than the people of the most favored Southern States with all the ease & luxury, said to be enjoyed by them”,
F.P. Billings A.R.S
May 26, 1847
At a regular meeting Rio Grande Division No 63 opened by the WP the following business was transacted- viz-
1st opened by the W.P.
2nd The investigatory committee reported favorably on the case of Mr Wm Roberts
3rd Mr Wm Roberts was constitutionally elected @ member of this Division
4th Br Roberts was initiated into the order of the Sons of Temperance
5th Br F.P. Billings was installed as A.R.S.
6th to excuse absentees of last meeting
7th voted to adopt the following resolution presented by Br Sawyer for discussion, viz-“Resolved that @ constant and useful employment promotes the health and happiness of mankind”.
Receipts $ 3.18
S.G. Philbrook RS
June 16th 1847
At a regular meeting Rio Grande Division No 63 opened by the WP the following business was transacted- viz-
1st opened by the W.P.
June 2nd 1847
Rio Grande Division No 63 ST
No business transacted as quorum not present
LG Philbrook RS
June 9th 1847
Rio Grande Division No 63 ST
No business transacted as quorum not present
LG Philbrook RS
June 16th 1847
At a regular meeting Rio Grande Division No 63 opened by the WP the following business was transacted- viz-
1st opened by the W.P.
2nd voted to excuse absentees of last meeting
3rd W. G. Sargent, LG Philbrook & K Hooper were appointed a committee on the case of Wines Milliken.
4th Said committee reported favorably on said case
5ht Br Wines Milliken was constitutionally elected @ member of this Division
6th after a brief discussion voted to reject the resolution presented by Br Sawyer
7th chose Br P Pervear to bring @ resolution in one week.
Receipts $2.00
L.G. Philbrook
June 23rd 1847
At a regular meeting Rio Grande Division No 63 opened by the WP the following business was transacted- viz-
1st opened by the W.P.
2nd chose WG Sargent K Hooper & FP Billings a special investigatory committee
3rd Mr Stephen Tibitts was proposed as a member of this Division
Receipts $1.50
FP Billings ARS
June 30th 1847
At a regular meeting Rio Grande Division No 63 opened by the WP the following business was transacted- viz-
1st opened by the W.P.
2nd WG Sargent was appointed RS protem
3rd Excused Br E Morgan for two weeks absence
4th Investigatory committee reported on case of Stephen Tibitts
5th said committee reported favourably on the case of Richard Hawes
6th Richard Hawes was constitutionally elected a member of this Division.
7th Chose Abel Sawyer Phillip Pervear & Wm H Sargent a committee to nominate officers for ensuing quarter
8th Said committee nominated
LG Philbrook WP
WG Sargent WA
K Hooper RS
Wm Roberts AR
Wm H Sargent FS
P Pervear __
E Morgan C
L Roberts AC
E. Carlton I S
F P Billings OS
9th Said nominees were constitutionally elected
10th Calvin Billings was proposed to the Division.
Receipts $.50
WG Sargent RS protem
July 7th
Rio Grande Division No 63 Sons of Temperance
No business transacted
July 14th 1874
Rio Grande Division No 63 Sons of Temperance
No business transacted
July 21st 1847
At a regular meeting Rio Grande Division No 63 opened by the WP the following business was transacted- viz-
1st Opened by the WP
2nd LG Philbrook K Hooper & E Morgan @ committee on case of L. B. Sargent
3rd said committee reported favorably on said case
4th L.B Sargent was constitutionally elected a member of this Division.
5th voted to proceed to install the officers for the ensuing quarter
6th The following officers were present and officiated
Abel Sawyer DGWP
Phillip Pervear
K__ Morgan PWP
L G Philbrook DGL
The following officers were installed for the present quarter. Namely
LG Philbrook WP
WG Sargent WA
K Hooper RS
W H Sargent FS
P Pervear
E Morgan
FP Billings
7th WH Sargent appointed Chaplain
8th BR W H Sargent KH Morgan & E Harden visiting committee
9th Bro WG Sargent P Pervear and E Carlton a committee on finance
10th WG Sargent K Hooper & KH Morgan investigatory meeting
11th voted to accept the code of bylaws prepared by committee for said purpose
12th Calvin Billings was constitutionally elected a member of the Division
13th committee reported unfavorable on case of John Roberts.
Receipts $1.25
Kitridge Hooper RS
July 28, 1847
Rio Grande Division No. 63
At a regular meeting the following business was transacted viz,
1st opened by the WP
2nd William Pert & Thomas P. Luckings were proposed as members of this Division
3rd K. Hooper, P Pervear & E. Harden appointed @ committee on case of Jasper N. Sargent.
4th Said committee reported favorable on said case.
5th Jasper N. Sargent was constitutionally elected a member of this Division.
Receipts 1.04
Closed K. Hooper, R.S.
August 4th 1847
At a regular meeting of the Rio Grande Division, Sons of Temperance, No. 63, the following business was transacted.
1st Opened by the W.A.
2nd Voted to accept the report of investigating committee on cases of Wm. Pert and G. P. Luckings
3rd Wm. Pert and G. P. Luckings where constitutionally elected.
4th Proceeded to install Bro. E. Harden as inside sentinel for the present quarter.
Receipts $2.30
Closed K. Hooper R.S.
August 11, 1847
At a regular meeting of the Rio Grande Division No. 63, S. of T. The following business was transacted Viz.
1st Opened by the W. P.
2nd Excused absentees of last meeting.
3rd Appointed Bro. W. H. Sargent to bring in a Resolve one week from this evening.
4th Proceeded to install Bro. L. Roberts A. C. for the present quarter.
Receipts– Closed K. Hooper R.S.
August 18th, 1847
At a regular meeting of the Rio Grande Division No. 63, S. of T. The following business was transacted Viz.
1st Opened by the W.A.
2nd Samuel Cousins was proposed to this division
3rd Heard report of Financial Committee
4th Voted to refund charter money to petitioners.
5th Heard remarks from several bro.
6th Bro A. Sawyer appointed to bring in a resolution in one week.
Receipts $1.66 Closed K. Hooper R.S.
August 25th 1847
No meeting.
K. Hooper R.S.
September 1st, 1847 No meeting.
K. Hooper R.S.
September 8th 1847
Sons of Temperance Rio Grande Division No. 63
No meeting, a corum not present
September 11th 1847
At a special meeting of Rio Grande Division, No. 63 Sons of Temperance
The following business was transacted.
1st Opened by the W.P.
2nd Proceded to go through the forms of initiation
3rd Heard remarks from several bros for the benefit of the Division
Closed K. Hooper R>S>
September 15th 1847
Rio Grande No. 63 Sons of Temperance
No meeting a corum not present
K. Hooper R.S.
September 22ndth 1847
Rio Grande No. 63 Sons of Temperance
No meeting a corum not present
K. Hooper R.S.
September 30th 1847
Rio Grande No. 63 Sons of Temperance
corum not present
October 6th 1847
At a regular meeting of the Rio Grande Division No. 63 Sons of Temperance the following business was transacted.
1st Opened by the W.P.
2nd Proceded to initiate Calvin Billings as a member of this Division.
3rd Mr James D. Lane was proposed to the Division.
4th Proceded to nominate officers for ensuing quarter the following Bro were nominated
Wyer G. Sargent W.P.
E. Morgan W.A.
K. Hooper R.S.
Wm. Roberts A.R.S.
W.H. Sargent Y. S.
P. Pervear DGC
A. Sawyer C.
L. Roberts A.C.
F.P. Billings I.S.
C. Billings O.S.
5th Said nominees where constitutionally elected.
6th Voted to adjourn to Monday evening 11th next.
Receipts $ 9.25
Closed K. Hooper R.S.
October 11th 1847
At a special meeting of the Rio Grande Division No. 63 Sons of Temperance the following business was transacted.
1st Opened by the W.P.
2nd James D. Lane was constitutionally elected a member of this Division.
3rd Proceded to initiate James D. Lane into the Order
4th Capt. Simeon grant was proposed as a suitable person to become a member of this Division.
5th Proceded to install officers for the ensuing quarter. The following Bros where present and officiated.
Abel Sawyer D.G.W.P.
Philip Pervear D.G.C.
L G Philbrook P.W.P.
The following brethren where installed
W.G. Sargent W.P.
E. Morgan W.A.
K. Hooper R.S..
A. Sawyer C.
W.H. Sargent F.S
P. Pervear G.
C. Billings O. S.
6th The following appointments were made for the present quarter/viz
Abel Sawyer Chaplain
Calvin Billings, K.H.Morgan & L.G. Philbrook Visiting Committee. For Committee on Finances W.H. Sargent, A. Sawyer & K. Hooper. Committee of Investigation A. Sawyer, E. Morgan & P. Pervear.
7th Chose Bro Sawyer as a delegate to attend the next convention of the G. Division.
Receipts $2.00
Closed K. Hooper R.S.
October 13th 1847
At a regular meeting of the Rio Grande Division No. 63 Sons of Temperance the following business was transacted.
1st Opened by the W.P.
2nd Bro. P Pervear appointed assistant Conductor J.D. Lane P.W.P. for the evening
3rd Mr. John S. Sargent & Jeremiah Wescot where proposed as suitable persons to become members of this Division.
4th Capt. Simeon Grant was elected a member of this Division.
Receipts $1.50
Closed K. Hooper R.S.
October 20th 1847
At a regular meeting of the Rio Grande Division No. 63 Sons of Temperance the following business was transacted.
1st Opened by the senior P.W.P.
2nd Bro. Jos. H. Allen appointed P.W.P. for the evening. Jasper Sargent, I S W. H. Sargent
3rd Heard remarks from several brethren
Closed K. Hooper, R.S.
October 27th, 1847
At a regular meeting of the Rio Grande Division No. 63 Sons of Temperance the following business was transacted.
1st Opened by the W.P.
2nd Heard report of Financial Committee which stated funds now in the treasury to be $21.02cts.
3rd The investigatory Committee reported on the names of John S. Sargent and Jeremiah Wescot.
4th J.S. Sargent and Jeremiah Wescot where constitutionally elected as members of this Division.
5th J.S. Sargent and Jeremiah Wescot where initiated into the Order of the S of T.
Receipts $1.73
Closed K. Hooper R.S.
November 3rd 1847
At a regular meeting of the Rio Grande Division No. 63 Sons of Temperance the following business was transacted.
1st Opened by the W.P.
2nd Proceded to install Brs. F.P. Billings J.S & L. Roberts as A.C. for the present quarter.
3rd Heard remarks on the following resolution brot in by W.H. Sargent Resolved that the tenants of Ireland are in a worse condition than the Southern Slaves.
4th Voted to adopt said resolution.
Receipts $ 3.80
Closed K. Hooper R.S.
Nov 10th 1847
At a regular meeting of the Rio Grande Division No. 63 Sons of Temperance the following business was transacted.
1st Opened by the W.P.
2nd Mr. Wm. Dority was proposed to the Division.
3rd Heard remarks on the following Resolution brot in by A. Sawyer Resolved that men be their own cause either directly or indirectly most of their unhappiness experienced by them.
4th Voted to adopt said resolution
5th Bro C. Billings was appointed to bring in a resolution to be discussed in 3 weeks. Bro L.G. Philbrook one to be discussed in two weeks.
Closed K. Hooper R.S.
November 17th 1847
At a regular meeting of the Rio Grande Division No. 63 Sons of Temperance the following business was transacted.
1st Opened by the W.P.
2nd Investigating Committee reported favorably on the name of Robert Dority.
3rd Mr. Dority was constitutionally elected a member of this Division.
4th R. Dority was initiated into the Order of the Sons of Temperance
5th Voted that no brother speak more than ten minutes at one time.
6th Heard remarks from several Bro upon the following resolution brot in by W.H. Sargent. Resolved that farmers are more dependent upon mechanicks for a subsistence than mechanicks are upon farmers for the same.
7th Voted to accept said resolution.
Receipts $3.00
Closed K. Hooper R.S.
November 24th 1847
At a regular meeting of the Rio Grande Division No. 63 Sons of Temperance the following business was transacted.
1st Opened by the W.P.
2nd Heard remarks from several Bros upon a resolution brot in by Bro C. Billings.
3rd Voted to adopt said resolution.
Receipts .50
Closed J. Wescot R.S. Pro-tem
December 1st 1847
1st Opened by the W.P.
2nd Mr Darius Roberts was proposed to the Division
3rd Heard remarks from several brethren
Receipts $3.30
Closed Wm. Roberts A>R>S>
December 8th 1847
1st Opened by the W.P.
2nd Excused absentees of last meeting.
3rd Heard report of investigatory committee on the case of Mr. D. Roberts
4th Mr. Darius Roberts was constitutionally elected a member of this Division.
5th Heard remarks on the following resolution brot in by Bro W.G. Sargent which read as follows, resolve that Education without wealth is better than wealth without Education.
6th Voted to adopt said resolution.
7th Mr William Byard was proposed to the Division.
Closed K. Hooper R.S.
January 5th 1848
1st Opened by the W.P.
2nd Proceded to install officers A. Sawyer Acting DG WP as follows
Edward Morgan WP, Kitridge Hooper WA, Wm H Sargent RS, Robert Dority ARA, Abel Sawyer GS, Wm Roberts G, Leonard Roberts C, John S. Sargent AC, K. H. Morgan IS, Wm. Byard CS
3rd The WP appointed the following committees, Robert Dority, P. Pervear, Wm Byard, Finance WGS, K Hooper, S Wescot, SAC WHS, K Dority. SG Sargent.
4th Chose Kitridge Hooper, WH Sargent, A. Sargent as trustees of this Division.
5th Accepted a resolve for Division brought in by Br. Wm. Roberts which reads as follows Resolved that the common school teacher has done more good to society than the clergy.
6th Receipts five dollars 74/100
7 Closed
Mistake-Turn over [sic]
Sons of Temperance Rio Grande Division No. 63
Dec 15, 1847
At a regular meeting of the Division
1st Meeting was opened by the WP.
2nd Mr Robert Byard jr. was proposed to this division.
3rd Mr –Byard was elected a member for initiation into this Division.
4th Heard a discussion of the following resolution presented by Br Robert Dority Resolved that the wife has it harder through life than the husband.
5th Adopted the sentiments of said resolve.
Receipts of the evening $1.05
Closed K. Hooper R. Scribe
Dec 22, 1847
A regular meeting of Rio G Division No. 63
1st Was opened by the W. Patriarch
2nd Mr Robert Byard 2nd was elected a member of this division.
3rd Mr Robert Byard 2nd and Wm Byard were initiated into the mystery of the Order of the Sons of Temperance.
4th Heard remarks upon the following resolution brot in by Bro J H Sargent Resolved that women talk more than men. Passed in the affirmation.
Receipts $4.00
Closed K. Hooper R.S.
29 December 1847
Rio G. D. S. of T. No. 63
At a regular meeting of the Division
1st Opened by the WP
2nd Voted to proceed to choose officers for the ensuing quarter.
3rd A committee raised for the purpose nominated the following
Bro Edward Morgan WP
“ Kitridge Hooper WA
“ Wm H Sargent RS
“ Robert Dority ARS
“ Abel Sawyer GS
“ Wm Roberts G
“ Leonard Roberts C
“ John S. Sargent AC
“ Kingsbury H. Morgan JS
“ Wm Byard OS
4th The aforementioned brethren were constitutionally elected
5th Heard remarks upon the following resolve brot in by Brother L. Roberts Resolved that fine dress is more highly esteemed than good manners. John S. Sargent in the negative. 6th The question was decided in the negative.
Receipts $2.33 Closed K. Hooper
Jan 5, 1848
At a regular meeting of the Rio Grande Division No. 63 Sons of Temperance the following business was transacted.
1st Opened by the WP
2nd Proceeded to instate the following officers (A Sawyer Acting DGWP)
Br Edward Morgan WP
“ K Hooper WA
“ Wm H sargent
“ Robert Dority ARS
“ Abel Sawyer GS
“ Wm Roberts G
“ Leonard Roberts C
“ John S Sargent AC
“ Kingsbury H. Morgan JS
Wm Byard OS
3rd Br Calvin Billings was appointed Chaplin
4th The following appointments were made
Viz Robert Dority, Philip Pervear and Wm Byard on Finance WG Sargent Kitridge Hooper and F Wescot Investigating R Dority JS Sargent
5 Chase K Hooper WG Sargent Abel Sawyer for trustees for this Division
Receipts $5.74 Closed WF Sargent RS
Jan 12th 1848
At a regular meeting of the Rio Grande Division No. 63 Sons of Temperance the following business was transacted.
1st Opened by the W.P.
2nd Heard the report of the F Committee as follows there is now in the treasury in cash $29.97 due from members $7.94.
3rd Accepted said report
4th __ & through the ceremony of initiation
5th Chose a special committee to make arrangements and hear proposals concerning this hall with the proprietors thereof about furnishing the same for the Division.
6 Instructed the Financial Committee to see that the hall is lighted and warm.
7 Heard remarks on the resolve brought in by Bro Wm Roberts which read as follows, Resolved that the common school teacher has done more good to society than the clergy.
8 Said resolve was negative.
9 Chose Bro Philip Pervear to bring a resolved to be discussed 2 weeks from this evening
10 Chose Bro L. Wescot to take the negative on Bro Byards Resolve.
Next page
11 Bro Wm Byard presented the following resolve, Resolved that Anticipation is greater than real enjoyment.
12 Voted to receipt said resolve for discussion one week from this evening.
13 Mr Andrew Wood was proposed to the Division.
14 Bro LG Philbrook presented the following resolve that the art of printing has conduced more to the wealth and happiness of the human family than the art of imagination.
15 Said resolve was accepted for discussion the first opportunity
16 Bro WG Sargent was appointed to take the negative of said resolve.
Receipts $1.73 Closed Wm H Sargent RS
Jan 19, 1848
At a regular meeting of the Rio Grande Division No. 63 Sons of Temperance the following business was transacted.
1st Opened by the W.P.
2 Mr Johnson Grindle was proposed to the Division
3 Heard remarks concerning this hall
4 Agreed to pay the proprietors of the hall 25 cts per evening for this hall exclusive of desks chairs stove settees lights wood
5 Br Abel Sawyer agreed to furnish wood for 1.25 and build fires in the at our regular meeting
6 Br WG Sargent agreed to take said bargain of Br Sawyers hands.
7 Andrew Wood was constitutionally elected a member for initiating into our order.
8 Heard a discussion on Br Wm Byards resolve
9 Said resolve was passed in the affirmative
10 Chose Brother John S Sargent to bring forward a resolve at our next meeting to be discussed in 2 weeks from this evening.
Receipts 60 cts Closed Wm H Sargent RS
Jan 26 1848
At a regular meeting of the Rio Grande Division No. 63 Sons of Temperance the following business was transacted.
1st Opened by the W.P.
2 Balloted for Mr Johnson Grindle who was constitutionally elected a member for initiation into this Division.
3 Mr Andres Wood was initiated into this Division
4 Recd a communication from __Division stating that Jonathan L Moore SC Sargent and Isaac Parker have been expelled from that Division, the two latter for nonpayment of dues.
5 Heard a discussion on brother Philbrooks resolve.
6 Said resolve was negative
7 Tendered a note of thanks to Br LG Philbrook for stationary presented to the RS.
8 Appointed Br P Philbrook to bring in a resolve to be discussed in 2 weeks.
Receipts $4.25 Closed Wm H Sargent RS
Feb 2nd, 1848
At a regular meeting of the Rio Grande Division No. 63 Sons of Temperance the following business was transacted.
1st Opened by the W.P.
2 Heard a report from the WG stating that Br P Pervear is sick, but is getting better
3 Excused Br ARS for non attendance
4 Heard a discussion on br JS Sargents Resolve which read as follows resolved that the man who sells ardent spirits as a leverage is as bad as a highway robber.
5 Said Resolve was passed in the affirmative
6 Br KH Morgan was chosen to bring in a resolve next meeting to be discussed the first opportunity Br L Roberts on the negative.
Receipts $1.63 Closed WMH Sargent RS
Feb 9th 1848
At a regular meeting of the Rio Grande Division No. 63 Sons of Temperance the following business was transacted.
1st Opened by the W.P.
2 Voted to give Br Abel Sawyer $359 to put a row of seats round the hall.
3 John C Sargent was proposed to this Division
4 Voted to lay said resolve on the table
5 Heard a report from the Treasurer there is now in the Treasury $27.39
6 Chose Br A Wood to bring in a resolve in one week from this evening to be discussed in 3 weeks
Receipts $2.04 Closed WH Sargent
Feb 16th 1848
At a regular meeting of the Rio Grande Division No. 63 S of T opened by the worthy patriarch the following business was transacted (viz)
1st Voted to excuse absentees of the last meeting
2nd “ Br FP Billings proposed Mr Jonathan Hardy Jr of Deer Isle aged 38 by occupation a mariner
3rd “ Voted to accept the seats put in to hall by Br Abel Sawyer
4th “ Br Pervis was called on to open the discussion of the following resolution “Resolved that the female ___ of the community do not receive competent wages for the labor performed”
5th “ to adopt the above resolution Yeas 11 Nay 5
6th “ adopt the following resolution presented by Br Wood namely “Resolve that the disposition does more to form the character than education”
7th “ that the above resolution be discussed next meeting
8th “ Br KH Morgan bring a resolution next meeting
9th “ that Br Calvin Billings take the negative of Br Woods resolution
10th “ Receipts $1.56 Closed LG Philbrook RS pro-tem
Feb 23 1848
At a regular meeting of the Rio Grande Division No. 63 Sons of Temperance the following business was transacted.
1st Opened by the W.Associate
2nd Voted to excuse absentees of last meeting
3rd Investigating Committee reported favorably on the case of Jonathan Hardy for
4th Accept said report
5th Mr Hardy was constitutionally elected as a candidate for initiation into this Division
6th Voted to give Br WG Sargent liberty to move the PWPs desk
7th Br Wood opened a discussion on his resolve presented at our last meeting
8th Voted said resolve passed
9th Br K Morgans resolve was presented and accepted for discussion in 1 week. Resolved that the credit system is beneficial in facilitating the business transactions of life.
Receipts .25 Closed WH S RS
March 1st 1848
Rio G Division 63
1st Opened by the Worthy Patriarch
2nd Rendered a note of thanks to the PWP for moving the PWP desk free of expense.
3rd Heard the report of Treasurer Recd past month$5.23 paid and $15.77 now in the Treasury $10.18.
4th Br WG Sargent & Robert Dority and Leonard Roberts was appointed investigating committee.
5th Heard a discussion of Br KH Morgan’s resolve.
6th Said resolve voted in the negative by 8 to 7.
7th Chose the following Brethern as a committee to examine resolves brought before this division and prepare them for discussion Viz AS LG Philbrook and WG Sargent
8th Br K Hooper Resolve viz Resolved that the rumseller is more to be shunned than the drunkard.
WH Sargent in the negative
9th Br Calvin Billings was appointed to bring in a resolve to be discussed in 2 weeks.
10th Receipts $2.25 Closed WH Sargent R Scribe
1848 March 5 Rio Grande Division No 63 the following business was transacted viz
1st Opened by the PW Patriarch
2nd Br Calvin Billings the following resolve viz Resolved that ambition has caused more misery than avarice.
3rd Voted to go into the discussion of said resolve
4th Said resolve went into the negative by 5 in the negative to 3 in the affirmative
Receipts __ Closed WH Sargent R Scribe
March 8 1848 The following vote through mistake was omitted Viz
Voted to hire NK Sawyer Esqr to finish our motto board and voted to give him $1.00 for the same.
March 15 1848
At a regular meeting of RG Division the following business was transacted Viz
1st Opened by the Worthy Patriarch
2nd Excused absentees of last meeting
3rd Went into the discussion of Br K Hooper’s resolve
4th Said resolve was passed yeas 8 no 6
5th Br R Byard handed in a resolve which read as follows Viz Resolved that the ten hour system would be more beneficial to the community than the old system of labour. WG Sargent in the negative.
6th Chose Br GL Sargent to bring in a resolve in one week to be discussed in two weeks.
Receipts 30cts Closed WH Sargent RS
March 22 1848
At a regular meeting of Rio Grande Division No 63 S of T the following business was transacted Viz
1st Opened by the Worthy Patriarch
2nd Heard the discussion of Br Robert Byards resolve
3rd Said resolve passed yeas 8 nos 5
4th Br JS Sargent handed in the following resolve Viz Resolved that capital punishment aught not be inflicted on persons committing capital crimes while under the influence of intoxicating liquors. Br Wescot in the negative
5th Chose Br Wm H Sargent to bring in a resolution in 1 week to be discussed in 2 weeks.
Receipts $1.62 Closed Wm H Sargent RS
March 29 1848
At a regular meeting of Rio Grande Division No 63 S of T the following business was transacted Viz
1st Opened by the Worthy Patriarch
2nd Excused absentees of last meeting
3rd Proceded to choose officers for the coming quarter
4th Chose the following brethren viz
Kittridge Hooper WP
WH Sargent WA
WG Sargent RS
Calvin Billings ARS
LG Philbrook FS
KH Morgan F
John S Sargent C
Frederic P Billings AC
Wm Byard PS
Robert Byard OS
5th Paid Br P Pervear $6.00 as benefits for 2 weeks sickness
Receipts $1.05 Closed Wm H Sargent R Scribe
April 5th 1848
At a regular meeting of Rio Grande Division No 63 S of T the following business was transacted Viz
1st Opened by the Worthy Patriarch
2nd Heard a discussion on Br PH Morgans resolve
3rd Voted to lay said resolve on the table
Receipts $1.55 Closed Wm H Sargent R Scribe
April 12 1848
At a regular meeting of Rio Grande Division No 63 S of T the following business was transacted Viz
1st Opened by the Worthy Patriarch
2nd Excused absentees of the last meeting
3rd Proceeded to instate officers for the present quarter
E Morgan acting DGWP
4th The WA appointed the following committees
Viz Investigating committee Bros John S. Sargent, A Sawyer and R Dority-Visiting com Bros Calvin Billings Edward Morgan and Wm H Sargent F Com WG Sargent Kitridge Hooper and L Wescott
5 Receipts of the evening $1.00 Closed WG Sargent RS
April 19 1848
At a regular meeting of Rio Grande Division No 63 S of T the following business was transacted Viz
1st Opened by the WA
2nd Excused absentees of the last meeting
3rd Heard reports of the R. S. F. S and T
4th Said reports were accepted
5th Br WH Sargent brot in a resolve which read as follows Resolve that a belief in the supernatural power of witches is as contrary to sound reason as a belief in the supernatural power of the Heathen Deity.
Closed K Hooper RS pro-tem
April 26 1848
At a regular meeting of Rio Grande Division No 63 S of T the following business was transacted Viz
1st Opened by the WA
2nd Excused the absences of last meeting
3rd Proceeded to instalI the WP elect Bro Edward Morgan Installing officer (appointed)
4th Division address
Bro Hodgedon and Bro D Luck
Receipts of evening 2.60 Closed WG Sargent RS
May 3 1848
At a regular meeting of Rio Grande Division No 63 S of T the following business was transacted Viz
1st Opened by the Worthy Patriarch
2nd Excused the absences of last meeting
3rd Elected Bro A Sawyer Financial Scribe Bro Philbrook FS elect having resigned
Receipts of evening 1.82 Closed WG Sargent R Scribe
May 10th 1848
At a regular meeting of Rio Grande Division No 63 S of T the following business was transacted Viz
1st Opened by the WP
2nd Excused absences of last meeting
3rd Voted to have our meetings for this present quarter commence at 1 ½ week
4th Heard a discussion on Bro JS Sargent’s resolve which was decided in the negative
5th Chose Bro Milliken to bring in a resolve to discuss in 2 weeks,
Receipts 1.00 Closed WG Sargent RS
May 17 1848
At a regular meeting of Rio Grande Division No 63 S of T the following business was transacted Viz
1st Opened by the WP
2nd The resolution presented two weeks ago by Wm H Sargent was refused a passage yeas 5 nays 8
3rd Voted to accept the following resolve brought in by Br Milliken “Resolved that the beauties of nature exceed the beauties of Genius”
4th Chose Br C Billings to bring in a resolution in one week from this one
5th Br A Sawyer in the negative
Receipts $1.00 Closed LG Philbrook RS Pro-tem
May 24 1848
At a regular meeting of Rio Grande Division No 63 S of T the following business was transacted Viz
1st Opened by the WP
2nd Br Millikens discussion was postponed till our next meeting
3rd Br C Billings brot for ___ the following resolve viz That deception is not beneficial to mankind.
Receipts of evening 3.871/2 Closed WG Sargent R Scribe
May 31 1848
At a regular meeting of Rio Grande Division No 63 S of T the following business was transacted Viz
1st Opened by the WPatriarch
2 Voted to excuse the absences of last meeting
Viz 1st Voted to excuse the absentees of the last meeting it being raining or it looked likely to storm
3 Called upon Bro Milliken to discuss the merits of the resolve handed in by him on the 17th. Bro Wm H Sargent in the negative. Said resolve allowed that the beauties of nature were superior to the beauties of genius. Said resolve passed in the affirmative.
4 Voted to amend the by-laws that the WP may appoint the investing committee for 3 months instead of one. Receipts Closed WG Sargent R Scribe
June 7 1848
At a regular meeting of Rio Grande Division No 63 S of T the following business was transacted Viz
1st Opened by the WP
2nd Voted to excuse the absentees of last meeting
3. Voted to lay on the table til next meeting a request & invitation to go to Belfast on 4th July
4th Voted that Bro Wescot bring in a resolve to discuss in 2 weeks from this evening. Bro JS Sargent –negative
Receipts 2.05 Closed WG Sargent R Scribe
June 14th 1848
At a regular meeting of Rio Grande Division No 63 S of T the following business was transacted Viz
1st Opened by the WP
2nd Voted to instruct our Bro ___to return the unsold dinner cards from Belfast to this Division to celebrate the 4th July.
3. Bro Calvin Billings called upon to discuss his resolve submitted 2 weeks since. Bro John S Sargent in the negative.
4 Said question passed in the affirmative.
5. Bro Jerry Wescot submitted the following resolve-Resolved that those who marry between 20 & thirty years of age stand a better chance of being wealthy than those who delay marriage until they are thirty years of age.
Receipts of evening 2.30 Closed WG Sargent R S
June 21 1848
At a regular meeting of Rio Grande Division No 63 S of T the following business was transacted Viz
1st Opened by the W Patriarch
2nd Called upon Bro Jerry Wescot to open the discussion of his resolve submitted last meeting
3 After an animated discussion said resolve was negative by a majority of two.
Receipts nothing Closed WG Sargent R Scribe
June 28 1848
At a regular meeting of Rio Grande Division No 63 S of T the following business was transacted Viz
1st Opened by the Worthy Patriarch
2 Excused the absentees of last meeting
3rd Proceeded to elect our officers for the next quarter choosing the following brothers vz
Bro Wm H Sargent WP
“ WG Sargent WA
“ John S Sargent RS
“ LG Philbrook ARS
“ Calvin Billings S
“ KH Morgan __
“ Wm Byard C
“ P Pervear A
“ R Byard FSS
Rects of evening 1.90
4 Closed WG Sargent R Scribe
July 17 1848
At a regular meeting of Rio Grande Division No 63 S of T the following business was transacted Viz
1st Opened by the W Patriarch
2 Proceeded to install the officers for the q
Installing the officers Bro K Hooper
3 The following officers was installed
Bro Wm H Sargent WP
“ WG Sargent WA
“ JS Sargent RS
“ LG Philbrook ARS
“ C Billings FS
“ K H Morgan F
“ P Pervear AC
“ R Byard 2 JS
4 Br LG Philbrook was appointed Chaplain
5 The following appointments were made
Viz Investigating C- C Billings K Hooper P Pervear
__ C R Byard KH Morgan A Wood
Com Finance WG Sargent A Sawyer JS Sargent
Receipts 50 cts Closed JS Sargent RS
Aug 30 1848
At a regular meeting of Rio Grande Division No 63 S of T the following business was transacted Viz
1st Opened by the W Patriarch
2 Voted that Br A Sawyer bring in a resolve to be discust in 1 week from this one.
3 Voted Br WG Sargent bring in a resolve in one week to be discussed in two weeks.
Rects Closed J S Sargent R Scribe
Sept 13 1848
At a regular meeting of Rio Grande Division No 63 S of T the following business was transacted Viz
1st Opened by the WP
2nd Bro Sawyer was called upon for discussing the following ___ George M Sargent & Allen P. Roberts was proposed as a suitable persons to become members of this Division.
3 WG Sargent brot a resolve to be discussed in one week.
Recpts 4.05 Closed WGS RS Pro-tem
Sept 20th 1848
At a regular meeting of Rio Grande Division No 63 S of T the following business was transacted Viz
1st Opened by the WP
2 Voted to excuse the absentees of the last meeting all but RS his case was lade on the table until next meeting.
3 George M Sargent & Albion P. Roberts were constitutionally elected members of this Division.
4 Bro WG Sargent was cald up to discuss his resolve which red as follows Resolved that it is better to have a good trade with a common education than a liberal education without a mechanical trade.
5 Sed resolve was lade on the table.
Rest 1.00 Closed JS Sargent R Scribe
Sept 27 1848
At a regular meeting of Rio Grande Division No 63 S of T the following business was transacted Viz
1st Opened by the WP
2 Voted to excuse the absentees of the last meeting
3 The RS case that was lade over at our last meeting was taken and the RS was fined 25 cts for non attendance
4 Proseded to initiate George M Sargent to our Division
5 Voted to proceed to choose officers for the ensuing quarter
6 A committee raised for the purpose nominated the following Bros
WG Sargent WP
JS Sargent WA
C Billings RS
W Byard ARS
A Sawyer FP
E Morgan F
K Hooper C
R Byard AC
AG Hodgedon JS
LB Sargent OS
7 The above named brothers were constitutionally elected.
Rects 6.20 Closed John Sargent RS
Oct 4th 1848
At a regular meeting of Rio Grande Division No 63 S of T the following business was transacted Viz
1st Opened by the WP
2 The following officers ware inststed
LB Sargent OS R Byard AC K Hooper C A Sawyer FS C Billings RS JS Sargent WA WG Sargent WP
3 William H Sargent Chaplin
4 brother Calvin Billings LB Sargent LG Philbrook visit com
5 WH Sargent A Sawyer W Byard Financial Com
6 Investigating com K Hooper A Sawyer Robert Byard
7 Voted thirty five cents so the grand Division receipts one dollar 12 ½ cents
8 Closed Calvin Billings RS
Sedgwick Oct 25 1845
At a regular meeting of Rio Grande Division No 63 S of T the following business was transacted Viz
1st Opened by the WP
2 The following resolve was brot in by C Billings resolved that parance and gardiens should let there children chose their ocupations profesions.
Receipts $2.40 Closed C Billings RS
Sedgwick Nov 1th 1848
At a regular meeting of Rio Grande Division No 63 S of T the following business was transacted Viz
1st Opened by the WP
2 excused the absentese of last meeting.
3 Edward P Cole was proposed as it member of this Division
4 Heard a discussion on Resolve of C Billings said resolve laid on the table for consideration
5 Voted that Wm H Sargent bring in a resolve.
Receipts 50 cents
Closed C Billings RS
Sedgwick Nov 8 1848
At a regular meeting of Rio Grande Division No 63 S of T the following business was transacted Viz
1st Opened by the WP
2 excused the absentese of last meeting
3 herd the report of the financial comitte said report was excepted
4 the committee report favorable on the case of Edward P. Cole
5 EP Cole was elected a member of this Division
6 The following Resolved that the Mexican war has caused more evil then good WH Sargent
7 proseeded to iniciate EP Cole
8 Brother William Byard was installed A RS
9 the resolve of brother WG Sargent was taken up and discust said resolve past in the negative 8 to 3.
10 Br Hooper appointed to bring in a resolve
11 Request that the hour of meting for the remainder of this quarter be at ½ past 6. A. Sawyer
Receipts 2.00 Close C Billings RS
Sedgwick Nov 15 1848
At a regular meeting of Rio Grande Division No 63 S of T the following business was transacted Viz
1st Opened by the WP
2 The resolve of C Billings was taken up said resolve past in the affirmative 6 to 8
3 WH Sargent was col upon to discust his resolve said resolve past in the affirmative 4 to 3
Receipts nothing EP Cole to bring in resolve Close C Billings RS
Sedgwick Nov 22nd 1848
At a regular meeting of Rio Grande Division No 63 S of T the following business was transacted Viz
1st Opened by the WP
2 Voted that a comitty of two be rais to attend to the case of brother W Milliken P Pervear A Sawyer WH Sargent C Billings
3 Vot to accept of brother EP Cole Resolution be excepted and to go on file
4 herd a duscusion of A resolution brot forward by brother A Sawyer as following Resolved that capital punishment aught to be abolished said resolve past in the negative 4 to 2
5 Voted that George Sargent bring in a resolve at our next meeting JS Sargent in the negative
6 Voted that LB Sargent bring in A resolve to go on file W Byard appointed on the negatve.
Receipts nothing
7 Close C Billings RS
Dedgwick Nov 29 1848
At a regular meeting of Rio Grande Division No 63 S of T the following business was transacted Viz
1st Opened by the WP
2 Voted to atend the funeral of Brother Amos A Herrick DGWP
3 Vote that brother Abel Sawyer prepare morning bages for the Division
4 Voted to accept of the report comitty on Brother W Milliken case
5 Voted that some brother prepare an essa
6 WH Sargent prepare an essa for our next meeting
7 Receipts 90 cents Closed C Billings RS
Sedgwick Dec 6 1848
At a regular meeting of Rio Grande Division No 63 S of T the following business was transacted Viz
1st Opened by the WP
2 Herd an essa an temperance from brother William H Sargent
3 herd A discussion on Brother EP Cole Resolve which red as follows that the various inventions and improvements in machinery and the application of steam as a motion power during the last half of the centery has been productive of more evil than good. Said resolve past in the affirmative 5 to 2.
4 voted that brother Abel Sawyer prepare as essa for our next meeting
Receipts 30 cents Close C Billings RS
Sedgwick Dec 12 1848
At a regular meeting of Rio Grande Division No 63 S of T the following business was transacted Viz
1st Opened by the WP
2 herd an essa from brother Abel Sawyer on liberty
3 herd a discussion on brother Geo M Sargent Resolution which red as follows Resolved that every common man has talent sufficient to become great said resolve past in the negative 7 to 6
4 Voted that WG Sargent prepare an essa for our next meeting
5 Voted to pay brother E Harden for three weeks sickness
6. Receipts nothing Closed CB RS
Sedgwick Dec 18 1848
At a regular meeting of Rio Grande Division No 63 S of T the following business was transacted Viz
1st Opened by the WP
2 excused the absentese of last meeting
3 Voted to expel Brother Edward Morgan for violating article 2 of the constitution. Yunanimous __ and drinking by him by making cyder.
4 Voted to set up the furnishing of the wood for the hall be set at one dollar-action to the bist bides. WG Sargent furnishes it A Sawyer 1, WH Sargent 2 WG Sargent3 LB Sargent 4 aggre to bild fiers in the Hall.
Receipts one dollar Close CBRS
Sedgwick Dec 28 1848
At a regular meeting of Rio Grande Division No 63 S of T the following business was transacted Viz
1st Opened by the WP
2 Voted to attend to an invitation from the Mariners and Mecanics Div to attend a union meeting on Monday the first day of Jan
3 Voted to lay the case of B Hogden be laid on the table
4 Voted to expel Brother William Byard for violation article 2 of the constitution by drinking cyder.
5 voted to reinstate Brother William Byard
6 Voted that a comity of five be raised to nominate a base of officers the comitty report as follows JS Sargent WP C billings WA A Sawyer RS P Pervear ARS K Hooper FS W Byard T R Byard C LB Sargent AC E Harden FS WH Sargent OS the brothers was elected
7 herd a discision on a resolve of LB Sargent which red as Resolved thata slanderer does more hurt in community then a lier Said resolve past in the formative 6 to 4
Receipts $2.00 Close C Billings RS
Sedgwick Jan 3 1849
At a regular meeting of Rio Grande Division No 63 S of T the following business was transacted Viz
1st Opened by the WP
2 Voted to attend to insolation of the officers for the insuing quarter
Brother John __ D_HP being present the following officers was installed
JS Sargent WP
C Billings WA
Abel Sawyer RS
Philip Pervear ARS
LB Sargent OS
3 Voted to hear the report of the FS accept the same
4 Voted to excuse the RS from reporting this evening
5 Voted to appropriate the sum of 31.96 to the GD6 Voted that the WP appoint a committee for __ M&M Div & the Daughter of G 1849 on the subject of public lecture
7 Philip Pervear brot forward the following resolution Resolved that the deceiver is worse than a noted theif
8. Chose Br C Billings to prepare an esa for the next meeting
Receipts $2.15 Closed Abel Sawyer RS
Rio Hall Sedgwick Jan 10 1849
At a regular meeting of Rio Grande Division No 63 S of T the following business was transacted Viz
1st Opened by the WP
2 appointed Bro _P Sargent FS __Bro Wm Byard G.Jordan EP Cole JS Jordan
3 Herd the report of the RS accepted
4 herd an essa from Br C Billings
5 Voted to proceed to install Brother Robert Ryan & Wm Byard
6 Chose Bro JN Sargent RS for the present quarter
7 proceeded to install Bro JN Sargent OS
8 herd a report from the special chosen at the last meeting
9 Brother Wm H Saregent was called upon to discuss his resolution which was as follows Resolved that the mind is susceptable of more suffering than the boddy. Said Resolution passed in the affirmative.
Chose Br WG Sargent to propose a resolution for the next meeting.
10 Chose Br E Wescott to prepare an esse tor the next meeting
Receipts 4.75 Closed Abel Sawyer RS
Appointment made by the WP the night of his installation
WH Sargent Calvin Billings Robert Byard Visiting Committee
L B Sargent Abel Sawyer EP Cole Financial Committee
WG Sargent Philip Pervear Jasper N Sargent Investigating committee
Rio Hall Jan 17 1849
At a regular meeting of Rio Grande Division No 63 S of T the following business was transacted Viz
1st Opened by the WP
2 Bro K Hooper reported sick
3 Chose Wm H Sargent to prepare a resolution to discuss this evening
Wm H Sargent brot in the following Resolution that to have the california fever is a sign of an insane mind.
4 Said resolve passed in the affirmative 6-2
5 Chose Br C Billings to prepare a resolve for the next meeting.
Receipts 1.10 Closed Abel Sawyer RS
Rio Hall
Sedgwick Jan 23 1849
At a regular meeting of Rio Grande Division No 63 S of T the following business was transacted Viz
1st Opened by the WP
2 heard a report from the financial committee report accepted
3 herd an ess from Br EP Cole
4. Br Philip Pervear was called upon to discuss his resolution which read as follows Resolved that a deceive is worse than a noted thief. Deceded in the affirmative 7 to 4
5 Chose Br JN Sargent to prepare and esse for the next meeting.
Receipts 2.40 Closed Abel Sawyer RS
Rio Hall Sedgwick Jan31 1849
At a regular meeting of Rio Grande Division No 63 S of T the following business was transacted Viz
1st Opened by the WP
2 Br C Billings was called upon for the discussion of his resolution which read as follows Resolved that averice has sowed more misery than was said Resolve was passed in the affirmative
3 Chose Wm H Sargent to __ a resolution for the next meeting.
Receipts 50 Closed Abel Sawyer RS
Wednasday Feb 7th 1849
On account of strong weather and a corum not being present no business transacted
Abel Sawyer RS
Rio Hall Feb 14 1849
At a regular meeting of Rio Grande Division 63
Opened by the WP
1st Voted that Br K Hooper & Br P Pervear receive the __ wood in as much as the Division is in debt to them for benefit
2nd proceeded to install Br K Hooper to the office of __S
3rd Voted to pay Br P Pervear 6.00 benefit
4th Voted to pay Br K Hooper 3.00 benefit
5th voted to tender the thanks of the Div to Br K Hooper for the receipt of 3.00 as a present
6th Br K Hooper was called upon for the discussion of his resolution which read as follows Resolved that floging aught to be abolished in our Navy. Passed in the affirmative 9 to 7
7th on motion of Br WG Sargent resolved that all our brothers be required to take some part in all our discussions.
8 voted to appropriate 1.00 for painting
9 voted that the RS be instructed to obtain what blanks may be necessary
11 Choose BEP Cole to prepare a resolution for the next meeting.
12 Chose Br Wm H Sargent to prepare an essa for the next meeting
Receipts 9.00 Closed Abel Sawyer RS
Rio Hall Feb 21 1849
At a regular meeting of Rio Grande Division 63 Opened by the WP
1 herd an essa from Br Wm H Sargent
2 Discussed at length the propriety of taking some action on Br Wm Roberts case of violation of the pledge
3 chose br George M Sargent to prepare a resolution for the next meeting
4th chose Br A Sawyer to prepare a essa for the next meeting.
Receipts Closed Abel Sawyer RS
Rio Hall Feb 28 1849
At a regular meeting of Rio Grande Division 63 Opened by the WP
1 voted to excuse Br LB Sargent for his absence at the last meeting
2 herd an essa from Br A Sawyer
3 Br Wm H Sargent brot a charge against Br Wm Robert of violation of the pledge
Chose Br C Billings WG Sargent AP Cole P Pervear A Sawyer a special committee on the charge against Br Wm Roberts
5th Br Wm H Sargent was called upon for the discussion of his resolution which read as follows Resolved that the most of the sickness experienced by us is caused by neglecting those preventatives we have in our power.6 said resolution was rejected 4 to 3
7. Chose Br GM Sargent to prepare an essa for the next meeting
8 Chose Br LB Sargent to propose a resolution for the next meeting
Receipts Closed Abel Sawyer RS
Rio Hall March 7 1849
At a regular meeting of Rio Grande Division 63 Opened by the WP
1 voted to excuse Br WG Sargent for his absence at the 2 last meetings
2nd Chose Br WG Sargent Abel Sawyer K Hooper a committee to prepare a statement to the Grand Div on the case Br AB Hodgden
3 voted to instruct the RS to write to Br AB Hodgden for information as to how he notified this Div about his ____
Closed Abel Sawyer RS
Rio Hall March 15 1849
At a regular meeting of Rio Grande Division 63 Opened by the WP
1 voted to excuse the absences of the last meeting
2 herd a reportfrm the investigating committee on the name of Rufus S Cole Report favorable accepted
3 Mr Rufus S Cole was constitutionally elected a member of this Div
4 voted to excuse Br GM Sargent for not delivering his essa this evening
5th voted that we allow Br AB Hodgden his dues for benefits to the end of this quarter and that he be a member in good standing to this date.
6 Br AB Hodgden called for clearance on a question.
Receipts .35 cts Closed Abel Sawyer RS
Rio Hall March 21 1849
At a regular meeting of Rio Grande Division 63 Opened by the WP
1st voted t lay Br Wm Roberts case on the table
2 voted that our essaze be kept on file for future use
3 C _ Cole was called upon to Discuss his resolution which read as follows Resolved that the influence of women is greater and more beneficial than that of man.
4 Said resolution was rejected 3 to 2
5 Chose Br GS Sargent to prepare an essa for the next meeting
Receipts Closed Abel Sawyer RS
Rio Hall March 28 1849
At a regular meeting of Rio Grande Division 63 Opened by the WP
1st voted to scuse Br WG Sargent from delivering his essa for two weeks this eve.
2nd Voted to lay the case of Br Wm Roberts on the table
3 Chose Br Wm H Sargent A Sawyer JS Sargent E Harding LB Sargent a committee to nominate a Board of officers for the next quarter said committee retired and nominated
Calvin Billings WP
Wm Byard WA
Wm H Sargent RS
K Hooper GS
Robert Byard G
LB Sargent I
Ellis Harding AC
A Sawyer PS
WG Sargent OS
4 said nominees were constitutionall elected to fill the above offices
5 voted to excuse Br BS Sargent for not preparing his resolution
Receipts none Closed Abel Sawyer RS
April__ 1849 Rio Hall
At a regular meeting of Rio Grande Division 63 Opened by the WP
1st Proceded to instate Rufus S Cole
2nd Installed the officers for the ensuing quarter
3rd the following committees were appointed for the ensuing quarter
Br Abel Sawyer Robert Byard and LB Sargent Investigating committee
Wm H Sargent JS Sargent and Wm Sargent Finance committee
Robert Byard Abel Sawyer LB Sargent Visiting committee
WG Sargent Chaplain
4 Voted to expel Wm Roberts from this Division for breaking his pledge
5 Sent report and percentage to Grand Division
Receipts 2.00 Closed WM H Sargent RS
Apr 11 49 Rio Grand Division No. 63
1 Opened by the WP
2 Excused absentees of last meeting
3 “ Financial Committee from reporting this meeting
4 Installed Br WG Sargent as Outside Sentinel
5 Appointed Br A sawyer to prepare an essay for next meeting
Receipts $3.00
6 Closed
A true copy W H Sargent R Scribe
April 15/49
Rio Grand Division S of T
1 Opened by the Worthy Patriarch
2 Appointed RS Cole FS pro-tem
3 Excused Financial Committee from reporting, the FS being absent and papers mislaid
4 Heard a short address from Brother A Sawyer on contentment
5 Accepted the following resolution from Br JS Sargent for discussion viz that fire has caused more misery than water since the flood.
Receipts 4.90
6 Closed Wm H Sargent R Scribe
April 25/49
Rio Grand Division No 63 S of T
1 Opened by the W Patriarch
2 Heard the report of the Financial committee. There is now in the hands of the Treasurer fifteen dollars and three cents including the receipt of this evening they being 2.50
3 Accepted the above report
4 Closed Receipts 2.50 Wm H Sargent R Scribe
Correction of the minutes Voted that Br WH Sargent and Rufus S Cole be a committee to draft a petition to send to the next legislature for the suppression of the sale of intoxicating liquors.
May 2 1849
Rio Grand Division No 63
1 Opened by the Worthy Patriarch
2 voted to amend the minutes of the last meeting
3 Proceeded to hear a discussion on Brother George N Sargents resolve which reads as follows Resolved that wood or any other substance contains no fire in its natural state
4 said resolve was negative
5 Voted that Brother Ellis Jordan bring in a resolve to be discussed the first good opportunity
6 Accepted the following resolution for discussion viz that the use of medicine does more injury than good to mankind.
Receipts 00
7 Closed Wm H Sargent R Scribe
May 9 1849 S of T Rio Division No 63
1 Opened by the Worthy Patriarch.
2 Amended Brother Sawyers resolve to read as follows that medicine as prescribed by physicians does more hurt than good to mankind.
3 Heard a discussion on the above resolve
4 Above resolve was negative 5 to 4
5 Chose Brother Pervear to bring in a resolve
6 Accepted the following from Br E Harden for discussion viz that the order of the S of T is the best Temperance organization now extant.
Receipts 00 Closed Wm H Sargent RS
May 16 1849
S of T Rio Division No 63
1 Opened by the Worthy Patriarch.
2 Heard a discussion of the following resolve submitted by Br E Harden viz that the Order of the S of T is the best temperance organization now extant
3 Said resolve was passed in the affirmative unanimously
4 Voted to excuse Br Pervear from bringing in his resolve this evening.
Receipts $1.00 Closed EP Cole RS pro-tem
May 23 S of T Rio Division No 63
1 Opened by the Worthy Patriarch.
2 Excused Br WH Sargent for absence last meeting
3 Voted to have our quarterly journals read in open division
4 Closed Receipts nothing WmH Sargent RS
May 30 1849 Rio Grand Division No 63 S of T
Not being a quorum __ had no meeting
June 6 1848 S of T Rio Division No 63
1 Opened by the Worthy Patriarch.
2 Chose Brother AS and WG Sargent a committee to put a bolt latch on the inner door
3 Voted to suspend Brothers Leonard Roberts and Frederick Billings from the division for non-payment of dues
Closed Wm H Sargent RS
June 13/49 S of T Rio Division No 63
1 Opened by the Worthy Patriarch
2 Excused absentees of last meeting
3 Excused Brothers Wm H Sargent and Rufus S Cole from drafting a petition to send to the legislature for the suppression of the sale of ardent spirits
4 Chose Brother Rufus S Cole to bring in a resolve at our next meeting to be discussed at the first opportunity
5 Closed Receipts __ Wh S RS
June 20/49 Rio Division No 63 S of T
1 Opened by the W Patriarch
2 Excused absentees of last meeting
3 Suspended Brother Parker Tuck for nonpayment of dues
4 Closed Receipts 00 WH Sargent RS
June 27/49 Rio Grand Division No 63 S of T
1 Opened by the Worthy Patriarch
2 Excused absentees of last meeting
3 Proceeded to choose officers for the coming quarter which were as follows viz
W Byard WP
Robert Byard WA
Rufus S Cole RS
Andrew Wood ARS
WH Sargent FS
WG Sargent F
Ellis Harden C
Abel Sawyer AC
K Hooper IS
GS Sargent GS
Receipts 00 WmH Sargent RS
July 4/49 Rio G Division No 63
1 Opened by the Worthy Patriarch
2 Proceeded to instate officers Brother John Irvin AGWP initiating officer
3. Voted to appropriate 371/2 cents as dues of Grand Division
4 Committees were appointed for the ensuinf quarter as follows viz
Visiting Com Brothers Wm H Sargent, Abel Sawyer and Kittridge Hooper:
Financial Com. Brother WG Sargent, Calvin Billings and RS Cole
Investigating com. Bro JS Sargent, EP Cole and WG Sargent
Bro C. Billings: Chaplain
Receipts $4.80
Closed RS Cole RS
July 11, 1849 Not a quorum Present RS Cole, RS
July 18, 1849
Rio Grand Division No 63
1 Opened by the W.P.
2 Voted to excuse Financial Committee with instructions to report next meeting if convenient.
3 Voted Bro. Geo M Sargent be considered as clear of the the F.S. Books until the matter be inquired into.
Closed Rects $3.90 RS Cole RS
July 25 1849 Not a quorum present RS Cole RS
August 1, 1849 Rio Grand Division No 63
1st Opened by the PWP
2 Voted to excuse Financial Committee from reporting this evening
Closed RS Cole RS
Aug 8 Not a quorum present RS Cole RS
Aug 15, Not a quorum present RS Cole RS
Aug 22, 1849
Rio Grand Division, No 63
1.Opened by the PWP
2 Voted that a committee of 3 be chosen to wait on Brother Irvin to know if he will be qualified to act as installing officer for next quarter and if not to nominate some one to be presented to the GWP for appointment
3 Chose Brothers WG Sargent, Abel Sawyer and RS Cole said committee
4 Heard & accepted Treasure’s report.
Money in Treasury Aug 8–$10.76
5. Voted that Bro A Sawyer be appointed to present next meeting a resolve for discussion in two weeks.
Receipts $2.00 Closed RS Cole, RS
Aug 29 1849 Rio Grand Division No 63
1st Opened by the PWP
2nd Voted to accept the report of the Financial Committee
3 Said committee reported that there was $12.73 in the Treasury
4 Voted to accept a resolve of Brother A Sawyer which read as follows
Resolved that could all the wealth in the world be equally divided among mankind it would greater increase their happiness
5th Voted that Br JS Sargent bring in a resolve at the next meeting to be discussed two weeks from this evening.
Receipts $4.75
Closed EP Cole RS Pro-tem
Sept 5, 1849 Rio Grand Division No 63
1st Opened by the PWP
2nd Accepted a resolve from Bro JS Sargent as follows, Resolved that the lumbering business in this state, has been more injurious to the farming interest, than the rot in the potato
3rd Voted that Bro RS Cole bring in a resolve to be discussed next in order to Bro Sargent
Receipts $1.10 RS Cole RS
Rio Grand Division No 63 Sept 12, 1849
1st Opened by the PWP
2nd Committee on the case of DGJ Irvin reported & said report was accepted
3rd The Resolve of Bro A Sawyer was discussed and rejected
4 A Resolve was submitted by Bro RS Cole and accepted for discussion: as follows Resolved That in a free government, it is the duty of every citizen to exercise his privilege at the ballot box.
5 Voted that Bro WH Sargent, FS to bring in a resolve next week for discussion
6 A request was submitted as follows; I request that Art. 3d Section 1st be so much amended as relates to monthly dues so that it may read 5cts per week instead of 35 cts per month. Also that Art 4th Sec 3 be so amended that it may read 1 dollar per week instead of 3 dollars per week
Submitted in S. P. & G. WH Sargent
7 Closed RS Cole RS
Rio Grand Division No 63 Sept 19 1849
1st Opened by the PWP
2nd Bro JS Sargent’s resolve was taken up and decided in the affirmative
3rd Received a Resolve from Bro WH Sargent as follows: Resolved That the best antidote for the Cholera is Temperance an Cleanliness
4th Voted; That Bro Geo M Sargent bring in a Resolve next week for discussion next in order
Closed Receipts $1.40 RS Cole RS
Rio Grand Division No 63 Sept 26 1849
1st Opened by the PWP
2nd Voted to proceed to choice of officers
3rd Chose Bros K Hooper WP
A Sawyer WA
RS Cole RS
GM Sargent ARS
WG Sargent FS
WH Sargent C
P pervear F
EP Cole AC
FS Sargent FS
E Harden OS
4th The following Resolve was submitted by Bro Geo M Sargent Resolved; That the California Gold has been and will be the cause of more unhappiness than the late war with Mexico
5th Voted to indefinitely postpone Bro WH Sargent’s request
6th Chose Bro A Sawyer to bring in a resolve next week.
7 Closed RS Cole RS
Rio Grand Division No 63 Oct 3 1849
1st Opened by the PWP
2nd Proceeded to install officers DG A Sawyer installing officer
4th Bro WH Sargent appointed Chaplain
Bro WG Sargent A Sawyer & E Cole Financial Committee
Bros A Sawyer Robert Byard & Geo M Sargent Investigating Committee
Closed RS Cole RS
Oct 10 Not a quorum present Geo M Sargent ARS
Oct 17th Not a quorum present RS Cole RS
Rio Grand Division No 63 Oct 24, 1849
1st Opened by the WP
2nd Read and accepted report of FS for last quarter
3 Proceeded to install Bro JS Sargent to the office of FS
4 Voted to recall the vote whereby Bro Parker Tuck was suspended.
Receipts $3.58 Closed RS Cole RS
Rio Grand Division No 63 Oct 31 1849
1st Opened by the WA
2 The resolve of Bro Geo S Sargent was taken up, discussed and rejected
Receipts $ .25 Closed RS Cole RS
Rio Grand Division No 63 Nov 7, 1849
1st Opened by the WA
2 Took up the resolve of Bro RS Cole discussed and adopted
3 Voted that our WP bring in a resolve for discussion next meeting.
Closed RS Cole RS
Rio Grand Division No 63 Nov 14, 1849
1st Opened by the WP
Receipts $1.00 Closed RS Cole RS
Nov 21, 1849
Not a quorum present
RS Cole RS
Rio Grand Division No 63 Nov 28 1849
1st Opened by the WA
Closed RS Cole RS
Rio Grand Division No 63 Dec 5, 1849
1st Opened by the WA
2 Received and accepted for discussion Resolve from Bro WH Sargent as follows
Resolved, that the use of Tobacco is not only a filthy habit, but, is very injurious to the human constitution, and should be discountenanced by every well wisher to society.
Voted to sell by auction the furnishing wood for the winter. It was knocked off to Bro JS Sargent at ninety cents.
Receipts $1.80 Closed RS Cole RS
Rio Grande Div No 63 Dec 12 1849 1st Opened by the WP
2 Voted to suspend Bro’s Robert Dority, Wm Byard and Jeremiah Wescott for nonpayment of dues
3 Took up and discussed the Resolve of Bro WH Sargent and decided it in the aff.
4. Received a Resolve from Bro A Sawyer, as follows
That it is inconsistent for Temperance men to place Rum Drinkers in situations of Trust, Hnor or Profit
5. Voted that Bro EP Cole bring in a resolve for discussion in order
6. Voted to take up Bro WH Sargent’s request for discussion next meeting.
Receipts $4.90 Closed RS Cole RS
Rio Grande Div No 63 Dec 19 1849
1st Opened by the WA
2nd Took up the resolve of Bro A Sawyer and decided in the aff
3 Voted that Bro WG Sargent bring in a resolve for discussion next in order
Receipts 0.20 Closed Geo M Sargent ARS
Dec 26 1849
No quorum present Geo M Sargent ARS
Rio Grande Div No 63 Dec 26 1849
1st Opened by the WA
2nd Voted to proceed to choice of officers
3rd Chose Bros.
Abel Sawyer WP
RJ Cole WA
WH Sargent RS
Philip Pervear ARS
Wyer G Sargent FS
John S Sargent F
Edward P Cole C
Geo M Sargent AC
Calvin Billings JS
Robert Byard OS
4th Rec’d a resolve of Bro WG Sargent as follows Resolved that there is much more efficiency in the combined efforts of a certain number of men than in individual efforts of the same.
5th Voted that Bro JS Sargent bring in a resolve for discussion next in order.
Receipts 00 Closed Geo M Sargent ARS
Rio Grande Div No 63 Jan’y 2nd 1850
1st Opened by the WA
2nd Voted that we excuse Bro WG Sargent from discussing his resolve this evening
3 Closed RS Cole RS
Rio Grande Div No 63 Jan 9 1850
1st Opened by the WA
2 Voted to excuse Bro AC for nonattendance
3 Heard remarks upon the subject of temperance
4th Proceeded to instate officers for the ensuing quarter G Sargent DGWP
5 DA Harder was constitutionally elected as a member for initiation into our division.
6 Committees were appointed as follows
Visiting committee Robert Byard GM Sargent and C Billings
F Committee RS Cole EP Cole and JS Sargent
I Com P Pervear WG Sargent and A Sawyer
Bro WG Sargent was appointed Chaplain
7 Heard and accepted Report of RS
8 Appropriated 35 cts for percentage to 3 Division
Receipts $1.70 ____RS
Jan 16 1850 Rio Grande Div No 63
1st Opened by the Worthy Patriarch
2 Excused absentees of last meeting
3 Proceeded to install Br Robert Byard _________
4 Heard remarks on the subject of temperance
5 Agreed to extend an invitation to the daughters of the ____Union to visit us
6 Chose Bros WH Sargent WG Sargent and A Sawyer as a committee to make arrangements concerning the visit.
Receipts $4.38 WH Sargent R Scribe
January 23 1850 Rio Grande Div No 63
1st Opened by the WA
2 Heard a report from last quarters Treasurer there is at the present time in the Treasury twenty four and 59/100
3 Called up the request of Brother WH Sargent which was made Sept 12/49 amended as follows this Division shall pay as follows for benefits viz ___ fifty cents per week __monthly dues shall be 3 cents per week.
4 Said resolve or request was________ Division
6 Closed WH Sargent RS Receipts 1.25
7 Mr Parker Billings was proposed as a suitable person to be a member of this society
Rio Grande Div No 63 Jan 30 1849
1st Opened by the Worthy Patriarch
2nd Mr Edward Brown was proposed as a suitable person to become a member of this Division.
3 Proceeded to initiate Mr Parker Billings
4 Brother __K Allen presented his card from the Grande Division
5 Brother SK Allen was received as a member of this division
6 Voted to pay Andrew Wood three dollars for 1 weeks benefits
7 Accepted report of Finance committee
Receipts $5.06 Closed WH Sargent RS
Rio Hall Feb 6 1850
1 Opened by the Worthy Patriarch
2 Mr Edward Brown was constitutionally elected as a candidate for initiation
3 Mr Edward Brown was proposed as a suitable person to become a member of this Division
4 Mr Edward Brown was initiated into this Division
[Cannot read the rest of this meeting’s minutes-Pam Simmons-transcriber]
Rio Hall February 13 1850
1st Opened by the Worthy Patriarch
2 Excused absentees of last meeting
3 Mr Daniel Eaton was constitutionally elected as a candidate for initiation
4 Mr Daniel Eaton was initiated into the Division
5 Mr Albion P Roberts & Mr Wm F Emerton was proposed as suitable persons to become members of this division
6 Brother Ellis Harden brought forward the following resolve viz Resolved that intoxicating liquors has been a greater scourge to our country than the cholera.
7 Said resolve was accepted for discussion
8 Heard a discussion on Bro Treasurer Resolve
9 Said resolve was decided in the affirm
10 Brother Harden’s Resolve was accepted for discussion
11 Br A Sawyer presented a resolve as follows viz the mechanic who works mostly at his trade
Enjoys more and is more ___ than the farmer. Accepted
Recp 2.00 WH Sargent RS
Rio Hall Feb 16 1850
At a special meeting the following business was transacted
1 Opened by the Worthy Patriarch
2 Mr John Eaton and Mr David Friend were proposed as suitable persons to become members of this Division.
3 Closed Receipts 00 W H Sargent R Scribe
Rio Hall Feb 20 1850
1st Opened by the Worthy Patriarch
2 Excused absentees of last meeting
3 Mr Albion P Roberts Wm F Emerton David P Friend and John Eaton was constitutionally elected as candidates for initiation into this division.
4 Mr Albion P Roberts Mr John Eaton and David P Friend were initiated into this Division
5 Heard a discussion on WPs resolve
6 Said resolve was decided in the negative
7 Chose Brother GM Sargent to bring in a resolve for discussion
Receipts $5.94 Closed WH Sargent RS
Rio Hall Feb 27 1850
1st Opened by the Worthy Patriarch
2 Voted to take the necessary steps to petition the National Division for the institution of signs. Chose Brother FS a committee to attend to this subject
3 Heard remarks upon the subject of temperance
4 Heard a discussion on the following resolution Resolved that the poor support the rich
5 Said resolve was decided in the affirmative
6 Chose Brother Robert Byard to bring in a resolve to be discussed in order.
Receipts nothing Closed William H Sargent Recording Scribe
Rio Hall March 6 1850
1st Opened by the Worthy Patriarch
2 Heard remarks on the subject of temperance by Br Calvin Billings and others
3 Bro George M Sargent presented the following resolve viz Resolved that the Agriculturist requires as much knowledge for his profession as the Philosopher for his.
4 Said resolve was accepted for discussion
5 Heard a discussion of Bro Harden’s resolve
6 Said resolve decided in the affirmative
7 Brother __ Billings presented the following resolve viz Resolved that experiment is more injurious to mankind than accident
8 Said resolve was accepted for discussion
9 Heard report of Treasurer __ in the Treasury $38.54 Accepted said report.
Closed Receipts 00 Willian H sargent
Rio Hall March 13 1850
1st Opened by the Worthy Patriarch
2 Excused absentees of last meeting
3 Heard discussion on Br _ K Sargents resolve
4 Said resolve was in the negative
5 Closed Receipts nothing
William H Sargent RS
Rio Hall March 21 1850
1st Opened by the Worthy Patriarch
2 Brother David Eaton presented the following resolve That it is our __ as sons of temperance not only to invite but to urge all suitable persons to become associated with us.
3 Heard a discussion on Br Milliken’s resolve
4 Said resolve was laid on the table
5 Chose Br E Cole to bring in a resolve to discuss in order.
Closed Receipts 00 William H Sargent RS
Rio Hall March 27 1850
1st Opened by the Worthy Patriarch
2 Excused absentees of last meeting
3 Brother E Cole presented the following resolve viz that ___ lies at the bottom of our success in all our affairs.
4 Brother K Roberts presented the following viz that marine insurance ____ are a damage to the community
5 Said resolves were accepted for discussion
6 Discussed Bro Millikens resolve
7 Said resolve was passed in the negative
8 The following Brothers were chosen
Cannot read the rest of the minutes of this meeting Pam Simmons Transcriber
Cannot read minutes of meeting on April 3
April 10 1850
1st Opened by the Worthy Patriarch
2 and 3 unable to read (Pam Simmons transcriber)
4 Proceeded to install the officers of the Divis. Br A Sawyer ADGWP
5 Investigating committee JS Sargent GK Sargent EP Cook
Financial committee WH Sargent A Sawyer Daniel Eaton
Visiting Com A Wood FSS S Eaton
Bro WH Sargent Chaplain
6 Voted to appropriate the sum of .73
For percentage to the G Division
7 Voted that the Financial committee furnish the light for the ensuing quarter.
Receipts of the evening $3.27
Closed EP Cole RS
Rio Hall April 17 1850
1 Opened by the WP
2 Heard report of the Financial committee There is now in the Treasury $41.46.
3 Heard the report of the FS. Voted to accept said report
4 Voted to proceed to installation of officers elect. Instated Br D Friend OS Br C Billings AC Br E Harden WF
5 Voted to accept a resolve from D Friend which reads as follows Resolve that the poor are happier than the rich.
6 Voted to allow Brother C Billings for three weeks benefits.
7 Chose BWH to purchase a new __ of music for this Division
8 Heard discussion on the resolve of Br D Eaton which read as follows Resolve that it is our duty not only to invite but to urge all suitable persons to become associates with us.
9th Said resolve passed in the affirmative
10 Voted that Br Philbrook bring in a resolve to be discussed next in order.
Receipts $8.65 Closed EP Cole RS
Rio Hall April 24 1850
At a regular meeting of the Rio Grand Division the following business was transacted
1st Opened by the WP
2nd The meeting was addressed by Br Sawyer on the subject of temperance
3rd Bro D Friend discussed his resolve brot in last meeting-decided in the negative
4 Voted that Bro Sawyer bring in a resolve to be discussed in 2 weeks
Receipts 72 cents Closed WG Sargent RS pro-tem
Rio Hall May 1st 1850
1 Opened by the WP
2 Voted to excuse RS for non attendance
3 Heard reading of resolves of the Grand Division
4 Heard a discussion on the resolve of the RS
5 Said resolve passed in the affirmative
6 Voted that Bro John Eaton bring in a resolve to be discussed two weeks from this evening.
7 Br A Sawyer presented the following resolves No 1 Resolved that it would not be for the benefit of community for the retailers to discontinue the sale of tobacco.
8. No 2 Resolved that Patent medicines are a damage to the community.
Recp 2.00 Closed EP Cole RS
Rio Hall May 8 1850
1 Opened by the WP
2 Voted that to excuse Bro J for non attendance
3 Read as communication from the Mountain Division being a request to attend the funeral of Br GW Ray
4 Proceeded to install Bro AP Roberts to the office of ARS
5 Proceeded to discuss Bro Sawyer’s resolve
6 Said resolve was negative 12. 3
7 Voted that Br C Billings bring in a resolve next week to be discussed next in order
8 Br Eaton brought in the following resolve Resolved that the unmarried life is happier than the married life.
Rcpts 00 Closed EP Cole
Rio Hall May 15 1850
1 Opened by the WP
2 Recd and accepted an invitation to meet with the Calliopean Division of the daughters of Temperance next Friday evening at 5 pm at Jacob Dodges Hall
3 Proceeded to discuss Br Sawyers resolve
4 Said resolve passed in the affirmative
5 Resolve that Br E Brown bring in a resolve next meeting to be discussed next in order.
Receipts $3.20 Closed Lucius B Sargent RS (pro-tem)
Rio Hall May 22 1850
1 Opened by the WP
2 Voted to excuse the absentees of the last meeting
3 Spent a short time talking on the subject of TEMPERANCE
4 Proceeded to discuss Br J Eatons resolve
5 Said resolve passed in the negative
6 Voted that Br John Sargent bring in a resolve at the next meeting to be discussed next in order.
7 Br E Brown brought in the following resolve Resolved that the rumseller is worse than the highwayman
Recpts 1.11 Closed EP Cole RS
Rio Hall May 29 1850
1 Opened by the WP
2 Voted to devote part as whole of the next evening to reading the quarterly journal.
3 Proceeded to discuss Br Browns resolve
4 Said resolve passed in the affirmative
Receipts 00 Closed EP Cole RS
Rio Hall June 5 1850
1 Opened by the WP
2 Voted to excuse the absentees of last meeting
3 Proceeded to read the quarterly journal
4 Br J N Sargents resolve Resolved that a decision for __ is ___ of more __than evil
Receipts 00 AL Roberts ARS
Rio Hall June 12 1850
1 Opened by the WP
2 Voted to excuse the absentees of the last meeting
3 Read a communication from Springvale. Voted to lay it on the table.
4 Br Sargent’s Resolve was called up and discussed
5 Said resolve passed in the affirmative
6 Br Sawyer brought in the following resolves Resolved that the pay of the members of our legislature is not in proportion to the labor and expense. 2. Resolved that idleness causes more dissipation than intemperance. Voted that Br Pervear bring in a resolve at our next meeting.
Receipts 00 Closed EP Cole RS
Rio Hall June 19th 1850
1 Opened by the WP
2 Chose a committee to remove the stove
3rd Closed Receipts __ K Hooper RS
Rio Hall June 26 1850
1 Opened by the WP
2 Voted to excuse the absentees of the last meeting
3 Read a communication from Gardiner which was laid on the table
4 Chose Br Irvin to attend the Grand Division to be held at Calais.
5 Proceeded to choose the officers for the next quarter.
6 The committee for the nomination of officers reported as follows
Br WH Sargent WP JS Sargent WA EP Cole RS GM Sargent ARS AP Roberts FS HH Morgan __ R Byard C DP Friend AC J Eaton JS E Brown OF
Receipts .75 Closed EP Cole RS
Rio Hall July 1850
1 Opened by the WP
2 Voted to excuse the absentees of the last meeting
3 Chose Br J Eaton to serve instead of Br GM Sargent as ARS
4 Proceeded to install the officers for the ensuing quarter
5 The WP chose the following committees and Chaplain A Sawyer
FC EP Cole E Brown JG Sargent
__ com A Sawyer JS Sargent RS Cole
__ com
__ com JH Sargent C Billings K Hooper
Receipts 00 Closed EP Cole RS
Rio Hall July 10th 1850
At a regular meeting
1 Opened by the WP
2 Proceeded to install Bro J Eaton JS & Bro D Friend AC
3 Read a communication from Morning Star Div No 125 Surry accompanied with a petition to the Grand Div of Maine asking i aid for the adaption of suitable signs for our Order
4 Voted that this Div concur in the petition of Morning Star Div
5 Ordered that the RS endorse the sentiment of the above vote on hand petition and return same to Morning Star Div
Receipts of the evening $1.30
6 Closed Abel Sawyer RS pro-tem
Rio Hall July 17th 1850
1 Opened by the WP
2 Voted to employ the next meeting in looking into the affairs of the Division
3 Heard remarks from Br JH Allen on the subject of temperance
Receipts $4.80
Closed EP Cole RS
Rio Hall July 24 1850
1 Opened by the WP
2 Voted to excuse the absentees of the last meeting
3 Heard the report of the Financial committee-there is in the Treasury 54.94
4 Said report accepted
5 Chose Br RS Cole A sawyer AP Roberts Trustees for the Division
6 The WP appointed B A Sawyer as treasurer for the quarter in the place of Br HH Morgan
Receipts $1.50 Closed EP Cole RS
Rio Hall July 31 1850
1 Opened by the WP
2 Chose Brs J Eaton and WH Sargent Agents for the Div.
Recpts 1.70 EP Cole RS
Rio Hall August 7th/50
At a regular meeting of the Rio Grand Division No 63
1st Opened by the WP
2 Chose Br A Sawyer to prepare a resolution for discussion next in order.
Receipts .65cts Closed A Sawyer RS pro tem
Rio Hall Aug 18 1850
A quorum not being present no business was transacted
EP Cole RS
Rio Hall Aug 21 1850
1 Opened by the WP
2 Voted to excuse the absentees of last meeting
Receipts 00 Closed EP Cole RS
Rio Grande Division No 63 S of T
Aug 28th 1850
1stOpened by the WP
2nd Mt Tho Burke was proposed as a suitable person to become a member of this Division
3rd Bro Geo M Sargent, Abel Sawyer and David Friend were appointed as investigatory committee for Sept.
4th Heard remarks from Brothers on the subject of Temperance
Receipts 00 Closed Geo M Sargent RS pro-tem
Rio Grande Division No 63 S of T
Sept 4th 1850
1stOpened by the WP
2nd Heard the report of the investigatory committee on the name of Mr Tho Burke which was accepted
3rd Mr Tho Burke was constitutionally elected as a candidate for initiation.
Receipts $3.50
Closed GM Sargent
Rio Grande Division No 63 S of T
Sept 11 1850
1st Opened by the WP
2 Voted to excuse absentees of last meeting
3 Heard report of GWP
Heard discussion on Br Sawyer resolve
5 Said resolve passed in the affirmative
Receipts 00 Closed EP Cole RS
Rio Grande Division No 63 S of T
Sept 18th 1850
1st Opened by the WP
2nd Meeting addressed by Bro Irving
3rd Voted to meet with the Daughters of Temperance once in every month through the fall and winter if agreeable to the sisters
4th Appointed by the WP, a committee of two consisting of Bro Icha Irving and WL Sargent to draft Resolutions embodying the above sentiments and present them to the Daughters of Temperance
5th The meeting very interesting addresses by Bros Irving Sargent & Milliken on the great subject of Temperance
Reporting regarding OC
6th Voted to accept
Rects 00 Closed WG Sargent RS pro-tem
Rio Grande Division No 63 S of T
Sept 25 2800 Closed WG Sargent RS pro-tem
Bros Irving Sargent & Milliken on the great subject of Temperance embodying the above se 1850
1st Opened by the WP
2nd Voted to have a communication read wich was recd from the Daughters of Temperance
3rd Voted to have a union meeting at their hall one week from tomorrow evening.
4th Voted to choose a president, Secretary and Sentinel for the above meeting
5th Chose Brothers I Irving President, WG Sargent, Secretary, GM Sargent Sentinel
6th Voted to proceed to choise of officers for the ensuing quarter
7th Chose the following officers Viz
I Irving WA, JS Sargent WP
WG Sargent RS, C Billings ARS, EP Cole FS, A Sawyer T, John Eaton C, Wines Milliken AC, Edward Brown JS, RS Cole OS
8th Brother EP Cole Reported sick
9th Chose Brother A Sawyer as visiting to see Brother Cole Brother E Brown being absent
10th Voted to close Recpts 00 Lucius B Sargent RS protem
Rio Grande Division No 63 S of T
Oct 2nd 2800 Closed WG Sargent RS pro-tem
Bros Irving Sargent & Milliken on the great subject of Temperance embodying the above se 1850
1st Opened by the WP
2nd The meeting addressed by Bros Sawyer, WG Sargent and others on the subject of Temperance
3rd Proceeded to instate Bros John S Sargent WP, WG Sargent RS, A Sawyer T, Wines Milliken AC, no other officers elect being present it being very stormy.
4th WP appointed committes as follows
Bro WG Sargent Chaplain
Bro Geo M Sargent Wines Milliken Rufus Cole Visiting Committee
Bro WG Sargent, Calvin Billings, Geo M Sargent, WH Sargent Finance Committee
Bro P Pervear, LB Sargent Investigating Committee
Appointed Br Geo M Sargent FS protem
5th Voted to close Rect of evening WG Sargent Recording Scribe
Rio Grand Division No 63 Oct 9, 1850
1st Opened by the WP
2nd Proceeded to install Broths I Irving WA, C Billings ARS
Percentage to the Grand Division for the last quarter 42 cts
3rd Voted to elect all the members qualified for the Grand Division
4th Voted to empower Brother Irving to give Credentials to the above members.
5th Voted to instruct Brother Irving to get what blanks the Division may require
6th Voted that WH Sargent bring in a resolve one week from this evening to be discussed in order
7th Voted that Brother Irving bring in a resolve to be discussed next in order after Brother Sargents
8th Voted to close Receipts $2.55 Lucius B Sargent RS protem
Rio Grand Division No 63 Oct 16, 1850
1st Opened by the WP
2nd Proceeded to instate Brother John Eaton & EP Cole FS Bro A Sawyer act GWP
3rd Heard remarks on the subject of Temperance from Bro Rev L Kingman & others
4th Voted that the proper officers be directed to draw on the Treasurer for 2 weeks benefits in favor of EB Cole
Receipts $2.70 Closed LG Phillbrook RS protem
Rio Grand Division No 63 Oct 23, 1850
1st Opened by the WP
2nd Proceeded to install Bro RS Cole OS Bro WG Sargent act SGWP
3rd Heard remarks from Bro JS Sargent and others on the subject of making ourselves acquainted with all our duties as S of T
4th Discussed Bro Sawyers resolve to wit that government officers receive too much for their services
Laid Bro Sawyers resolve on the table
Receipts 1.15 WG Sargent RScribe
Rio Grand Division No 63 Oct 30, 1850
1st Opened by the Worthy Patriarch
2nd The meeting addressed by Bro WH Sargent WG Sargent A Sawyer John S Sargent on the subject of Temperence
3rd Bro Sawyers resolve taken up and discussion by Bros A Sawyer Wm H Sargent & John S Sargent
4th Voted to lay Bro Sawyers resolve on the table
5th Voted to set up at Auction the getting of wood & building fires-sweeping the Hall- lighting the Hall taking care of the Hall
6th Bro A Sawyer was the lucky one to get the contract to provide the above specified in vote for $1.27 per the fall winter and spring having bid it off for that amnt.
Rects — Closed WG Sargent R Scribe
Rio Grand Division No 63 Nov 6, 1850
1st Opened by the Worthy Patriarch
2nd Voted to excuse the Financial committee report
3rd Remarks made by Br Wm H Sargent A Sawyer & others
4th Bro WmH Sargent introduced Resolve No 1 accepted for discussion-passed in the affirmative
Rects nothing Closed
Rio Grand Division No 63 Nov 13th, 1850
1st Opened by the Worthy Patriarch
2nd Meeting addressed by Bro Sawyer and others
3rd Voted to pay years rent 13.00 for Hall
4th Resolve No 3-also Bro E Harden resolve No 2 was discussed
5 Bro Sawyers resolve was discussed decided in the affirmative
Rects– Closed WG Sargent R Scribe
Rio Grand Division No 63 Nov 20, 1850
1st Opened by the Worthy Patriarch
2nd Meeting addressed by Bro John Allen, John Irvin & others on the suspension of O H Heath
3rd Bro Sawyer presented Resolve No 4 which was discussed & decided in the affirmative
4th Bro Ellis Harden resolve No 2 was discussed and decided in the affirmative
5 Bro WH Sargent presented Resolve No 5
Rects nothing WG Sargent R Scribe
Rio Grand Division No 63 Dec 4, 1850
1st Opened by the Worthy Patriarch
2 Excused the absentse of last meeting
3 herd a communication from the Union of Temperence
4 herd remarks on temperance
5 Broth WH Sargent resolve No 5 said Resolve past in the affirmative
6 George M Sargent bring in a resolve in a week
Recips 85 cents C Billings ARS
Rio Grand Division No 63 Dec 4, 1850
Met at the usual time and place Opened by the WP
Voted to excuse the absentees of last meeting
Appointed Bro R Cole John Irvin GM Sargent committee to report on the name of W Bunker
The above committee reported favorably on the name of W Bunker
Voted Wm Bunker a member of our Order
Voted Br R Cole be a committee to examine the quarterly journal and read such portions as he may think proper at our next meeting
Voted Bro GM Sargent Resolve be accepted for discussion
Passed Br GM Sargents Resolve in the affirmative
Voted Br R Cole bring in a resolve to be discussed next meeting first in order
Voted Br Friend bring in a Resolve to be discussed next in order
Voted Br Bunker bring in a Resolve to be discussed next in order
Chose Br WmH Sargent R Cole and Br Harding to nominate a candidate for AGWP
The above committee reported the name of J Irvine
Voted of the above committee __ recommended and the name ___ be added
The above committee reported the name of J Allen
Voted to accepted the above report
Voted _______be a committee to ____ the nomination to the Grand Scribe
Receipts 1.00
Closed Wm Bunker RS protem
Rio Grand Division No 63 Dec 18, 1850
First Opened by the Worthy Patriarch
2 Voted to excuse the absentes of last meeting
3 Hear remark on the cause of Temperence
4 AP Robert HH Sargent K Hooper serve as a committee on the name of Andrew H Day
5 herd the quarterly journal read
6 herd a discussion on Br HH Sarg ent resolve No 6 Said resolve laid on the table one week
Receipts one dollar close C Billings RS
Rio Grand Div No 63 S of T Dec 18 1850
1 Opened by the WP
2 Voted to excuse absentees for last meeting
3 – to receive for __ Andrew H Day
4 __ Proceed to choose officers for next quarter
5th Chose the following brothers to the following offices viz
John Irvin WP
WG Sargent WA
Calvin Billings RS
AP Roberts ARS
Geo M Sargent FS
Robert Byard Treasurer
David Friend Conductor
Ellis Harding A conductor
Wm H Sargent J Sentinel
A Sawyer O Sentinel
6th Voted to consider Bro Wm H Sargent Resolve laid on the table last meeting
7th Bro Sargents resolve passed in the affirmative
8th Brs Friend & Bro Cole brot in Nos 7 & 8 resolve for discussion and accepted for discussion
9 Rects nothing Closed WG Sargent RS
The following minutes were a page at the back of the Sons of Temperance minutes book for 1847-1850
Rio Hall January 22nd 1853
Temperance Watchman Club-No 136
1st Opened by the SG as usual
2nd Voted to dispense with reading minutes of last meeting on account of the RS book being absent
3rd Attended to the paying of the “coffers”
4th Bro Ellis Harding was appointed to install Bro Wm G Simmons Assistant messenger elect
5th Heard remarks from Bros Nathan Parker-Pervear- WH Sargent- John Eaton-Snow- Ellis Harding
6th Heard remarks on propriety of holding a mass meeting
Closed Geo M Sargent RS protem
Voted to hold a mass meeting at the School House in Dist No 3 one week next Monday evening
Rio Hall Sept Eggemoggin TW Club-No 125
The following essay was at the back of the Rio Grand Division No 63 of the Sons of Temperance meeting minutes book that covered Feb 24th 1847 through Dec 18 1850
WP and brothers on the subject of changes in the human life is one we all feel and realize in some. Floods remind us of our miserable and mortal condition under a general sentence of mortality on the nation of Israel Moses said thou carries them away as with a flood time like a stream is roling on nor stops its course by day nor by night yet it rushes forward with rapidity like a river swelled to a flood. Streams bend their course in various directions but all whatever directions they take tend to the ocean where their waters are swallowed up and lost. Man have their different objects and pursuits but all are alike hastening to the grave all are pressing forward to the world of eternal retribution.
All the rivers run into the sea and would soon cease were they not continued by a succession of mortals one generations passes away and another comes thus the inhabitants of the earth abide from age to age the race is called the same but the mortals who compose it like the waters which constitute a river are changing every day and every hour.
It would be wise for us often to reflect on out transient condition we are pasing away like the floods we have no abideing place on earth let us not set our affections on things below but look forward to that world to which we are going. Would a man hurried down a rapid stream exult in his riches because he passed along in sight of meadows field groves and houses would he call tese his own because he beheld them and only beheld them with his eyes why should we who are hurried through life and carried away as with a flood glory in worldy object; which we see as we pass along but scarcely have time to passess.
We are changing our condition and our relation to things around us we are passing from place to place from object to object from scene to scene like men floting down a stream this moment flies the next succeeds and goes off like the former giving place to a successor, one enjoyment or amusement departs and another comes one design or employment is defeated or laid aside and another taken up here we hope for beter success here disappointment we change our purpose we walk in vain show we are disquieted in vain like men thrown out on a flood we struggle for shore we pant for rest we seize the twig it breaks we are driven with the stream we grasp the leaf we sink we pass from human sight and are soon forgotten there is nothing stable here below no firm object by which we can hold no solid ground on which we can stand the anchor of our hope of our hope must be fixed in the Grace and goodness the promises and faithfulness of Good.
In Love Purity and fidelity
C Billings
Resources related to Temperance:
Transcribed by Pam Simmons July 2014