Temperance Watchman Club No. 136 1851-1852 (SOC.7)
A Temperance Watchman Club pushed legislation.
While the Sons of Temperance Societies sought to create change by influencing the cultural mores of the men of the community, Watchmen clubs were more focused on pushing for legislation that would prohibit the sale of intoxicating liquors. The following meeting minutes reflect the start of these Watchmen clubs in Sedgwick and elsewhere and, though we have only a portion of their meeting minutes, the level of community involvement and the enthusiasm of their members is evident.
The names of the club members are at the end of the minutes.
Wording, spelling and punctuation are, with some exceptions, as written in the minutes.
Eggemoggin Temperance Watchman Club No 136
Sedgwick, Maine
Article 1 Name
This institution shall be denominated the “Brotherhood of the Temperance Watchmen” and each branch shall be known as a Temperance Watchman Club. This Branch shall be called the Eggemoggin Temperance Watchman Club No 136
Article 2nd Officers
Sec 1 The officers of this club shall be an S.O., R.S., C.S., C., T., M., and AM..; to be elected by ballat at the first regular meeting in January April July and October.
Sec 2 After a club has been organized three months no person shall be eligible to the office of S.O., unless he has held a subcommittee office during some preceeding time.
Meeting minutes December 19, 1851-April 8, 1852
Rio Hall Dec 19 1851
1 Met according to appointment to organize a Temperance Watchman Club in this place. Br LG Philbrook & Br G.M. Sargent from Active Club No 41 of Portland met with us to organize the club.
2 After the club was organized chose the following officers Wm Bunker S.O. John H. Allen L.O. EP Cole R.S. WG Sargent O.S. H. Penney T. Wm H Sargent Chap. B.N. Sargent A.M. G.A. Cole A.M.
3 Voted that this club shall be called the Eggemoggin Club No __
4 Voted that the meetings of this Club shall be on Saturday Eve.
5 Voted that the RS & T be a committe to procure books for the use of the club
6 The S O chose _ committes 1st all admission W.G. Sargent, W.H. Sargent E.P. Cole On sickness JH Allen RS Cole H Penney 7 Voted that when we adjourn we will adjourn to meet on Saturday the 27th Closed E.P. Cole R.S.
Rio Hall Dec 27th 1851
At a regular meeting of the Eggemoggin Club No __ the following business was transacted—
1 Opened by the SO
2. The following names were offered and accepted by the ___ for initiation x Benj C. Sargent, x Benj C. Sargent Jr., x John O. Sargent, x Andrew Wood, x Grenville Clapp, x Thorndike D. Allen, John Eaton, Daniel Emerton, x David I. Allen, x Wines Milliken, x Edward Brown, Johnson Grindle, x Rodney D. Clapp, x Medbrey H. Allen, x Abel Sawyer, x Wm G. Simmons, x Augustus M. Allen the above named fourteen persons designated by x were initiated
3 Voted to choose a committee to see about lights and fire for the club.
4 Chose John H. Allen WH Sargent E.P. Cole
5 Chose a com to see about getting regalia for the club Chose W.H. Sargent A. Sawyer E.P. Cole
6. Chose a Financial Committee W.G. Sargent A. Wood Grenville Clapp
7 Heard remarks from Brs W.H. Sargent & L.G. Philbrook,
Closed E.P. Cole R.S.
Rio Hall Jany 3 1852
At a regular meeting of Eggemoggin Club No 136 the following business was transacted viz
1st Opened by the SO
2 The following gent were proposed and elected viz William Wells, Vinal Wood, William Allen, John Albert Billings
3rd Proceeded to initiate Bros William Wells William Allen Vinal Wood Johnson Grindle, John A. Billings
4th Chose a committee of five to nominate Candidates for officers for the next quarter, who nominated for office the officers of the present quarter
5 Elected the above named nominees to same offices respectively that they held the last quarter
6th Proceeded to install the following officers viz Bro Wm Bunker S.O. John H. Allen IO Edward P Cole R.S. W.G. Sargent C.S. Horace Denny T Benj W Sargent M Geo. A. Cole A.M.
7 Voted that the committees of the last quarter hold over this present quarter
8 Voted to set up the wood and lighting of the hall and building the fires at auction
9 The above articles were bid off by Br W.G. Sargent at 1.50 per quarter
10 Voted to accept the report of the committee on regalia 11 Voted that the committee on regalia furnish the fluid for use of the Club 12 Heard remarks on Temperance from Bro W.G. Sargent W.H. Sargent Wm Wells & Wm. Bunker
Closed E.P. Cole R.S.
Rio Hall Jan 10 1852
1 Opened by the S O
2 The following names were proposed this evening viz Danl F. Harden Levi N Closson Andrew Cooper and were accepted.
3. Proceeded to initiate Mssrs DF Harden Andrew Cooper Levi N Closson Daniel E Emerton
4 Heard remarks on Temperance from Brs. Wm. H. Sargent & A. Sawyer
5 Br. Philbrook read a very spirited address that is printed on the first pages from our ByLaws and Constitution
6 Heard remarks on Temperance from Br W.G. Sargent Wm Bunker
Closed E. P. Cole R.S.
Rio Hall Jany 17 1852
At a regular meeting of Eggemoggin Club No 136 the following business was transacted viz
1 Opened by the S Observer
2 the following gents were proposed viz, Philip Pervear David Dwyer William L. Emerton Francis Billings William L. Pervear Hezediah Billings
3 The above named gent were initiated
4 Chose Brothers William Bunker, Wyer G. Sargent and John H Allen-Delegates to the State Temperance Convention, to be holden at Augusta, on 21 & 22 of this month.
5 Voted to instruct our OS to obtain twelve rituals, & fifty copies of the Constitution and By Laws.
6 The meeting was addressed by Bro Danl Billings of Waldo County on the subject of Temperance Bro William H Sargent-W.G. Sargent and L. G. Philbrook. Also by our W. Observer
Closed W.G. Sargent C Secretary
Closed E. P. Cole R.S.
Rio Hall Jany 20 1852
At a special meeting of Eggemoggin No 136 G. Watchman Club the following business was transacted viz
1st Opened by Bro W.G. Sargent
2 The following gent were proposed and accepted for initiation to our club viz Mssrs Robert Dority and Ellis Harding
3 Proceeded to initiate Bros Dority and Harding
4 Recd a petition from J.K. Higgins and nine others from the town of Brooklin asking that this club may send delegates to organize a club for them on Wednesday 21 January instant. The following Bros were chosen as delegates to attend to join petitioners request viz to __ the officers & brethren __
5 Meeting addressed by bros Wm H Sargent & others
6 Closed W.G. Sargent C Secretary.
Rio Hall Jany 24 1852
At a regular meeting of Eggemoggin Club No 136 G.W. the following business was transacted viz
1 Opened by the S Observer
2 Judson Gray and Judson Billings were proposed for membership to this club-and accepted for initiation
3 Proceeded to initiate Bros John Eaton, Judson Gray and Judson Billings-
4 The meeting was addressed by Bros Benj C Sargent & George L Maury others of the brothers by which the Club was much edified and felt that the moments as they flew past was enjoyed most happily.
Closed W.G. Sargent C.S.
Rio Hall Jan 27 1852
1 At a special meeting of the club. Opened by the SO
2 Mssrs O.L. Downs & G Sanders were proposed and accepted for initiation
3 The above named brothers were initiated into the club
4 Heard remarks from Brother LG Philbrook, Wm H Sargent
5 A petition was presented from Orland for license to institute a club in that place 6 Bro C.L. Dawn & George Saunders were chosen delegates to institute a club in Orland
Closed E.P. Cole R.S.
Amended Bro C.L. ___& G. Saunders were excused from paying initiation fees E.P. Cole R.S.
Rio Hall Jan 31 1852
1 At a regular meeting of the club opened by the SO
2 The following names were proposed N Billings Nathan Parker William Irvin Robert Betill Albion P. Roberts
4 The above named gentlemen were initiated
5 Heard remarks from Bro A. Sawyer
6 Voted to allow and pay a bill for Rituals By Laws and copies of the Extra Temp Watchman presented by Br Philbrook
7 Heard remarks from Br J Tibbets & Wm H Sargent N Parker R Dority W.G. Sargent L G Philbrook & Br Wm Bunker
Closed E.P. Cole R. S.
Rio Hall Feb 7 1852
1 At a regular meeting of the club opened by the SO
2 Mssrs John Bridges Thomas Currier R Byard 2nd Luckins Closson were proposed as suitable persons to become members of the club.
3 Mr Leonard Roberts was proposed and accepted.
4 Voted to accept a bill for regalia in favor of Bro W.G. Sargent of $3.05
5 The above named gentlemen were initiated
6 Heard remarks from Brs. L.G. Philbrook Wm H Sargent P. Pervear, N. Parker, J. Bridges, Wm. Bunker, A. Sawyer W.G. Sargent& JH Allen
Closed E.P. Cole R.S.
Rio Hall Feb 7 1852
1 At a regular meeting Opened by the SO
2 The following names were proposed and accepted viz Dan’l L. Means Danl Morgan Jr, Wm. Dean Dudley Closson Levi Gray
3 The above named gentlemen were initiated
4 Received a petition from Surry to come and institute a club in that place
5 Granted the petition from Surry
6 Chose the officers of the Club as a delegation to attend the institution of said club and also extended an invitation to the brothers to attend the same
7 Voted that we extend an invitation to the Brothers from Brooklin to attend also at Surry.
8 Heard remarks from Brs N Parker Wm H Sargent L G Philbrook WG Sargent Wm Bunker RS Cole J Eaton
Closed E.P. Cole R.S.
Rio Hall Feb 21 1852
1 Opened by the SO
2 The following names were proposed and accepted for initiation Henry Cooper Bro A Sawyer Eben Hooper Simeon Grant Andrew Cole Thos Cole D.P. Morgan John Means 2 Eben Stanley Bainbridge Freethy James E. Cunningham
3 The above named gentlemen were initiated
4 Received a petition form North Sedgwick
5 Granted the petition from No Sedgwick
6 Chose the officers as a delegation to institute a club at No Sedgwick.
7 Heard remarks from Brs JH Allen Wm H Sargent N. Parker WG Sargent P Pervear D Morgan Jr. R Dority
Closed E.P. Cole R.S.
1852 March 3 Rio Hall Eggemoggin Club No 136
1st Opened by the S. O.
2 Dispensed with the rules of order
3 Recd a petition from 17 persons from the vicinity of Benjamin River for this club to visit them tomorrow evening and institute a Club at that place
4 Voted to grant that petition
5 Delegated the officers of the club to attend and institute as above named
6 Voted that an invitation be extended to all our brothers to attend said meeting
7 Heard remarks from Brother Parker and others
Closed Wm H Sargent RS
1852 March 6 Rio Hall Eggemoggin Club No 136
1st Opened by the S. O.
2nd Proposed HH Morgan to become a member of this Club
3 The above named gentleman was initiated
4 Voted to give 8 members of this Club wich reside in North Sedgwick clearance cards
5 Heard remarks from brother LG Philbrook, Wm Bunker and others,
6 Herd remarks from brother Andrew Wood respecting the state of temperance on Deer Isle.
Closed A.P. Roberts RS Protem
Rio Hall March 13 1852
1 At a regular meeting opened by the S.O.
2 Voted that br Wood bring in a written report of his proceedings on Deer Isle
3 Br Wood brought forward a petition from Deer Isle to organize a club at that place
4 Said petition was granted
5 Gave a vote of thanks to Br Wood for his exertions in the cause of temperance on Deer Isle
6 Voted that the officers of this club be a delegation to institute a club at the above named place
7 Voted that the brothers of this club and also of neighboring clubs to attend
8 Voted that Br Wood inform the people on Deer Isle of the acception of their petition
9 Listened to remarks from Brs N Parker, WH Sargent, A. Sawyer, J Eaton Wm Bunker, R Dority, P Pervear, S. Grant
Closed E.P. Cole RS
1 Rio Hall March 20 1852 Opened by the S.O.
2 H.B. Gower & NN Gower were proposed and accepted for initiation
3 The above named gentlemen were initiated
4 Heard remarks from Brs J Tibbets R. Condon, N Parker, WH Sargent H.B. Gower, RS Cole
Closed E.P. Cole R.S.
1 Rio Hall March 26th 1852 Opened by the SO
2 Tobias Roberts & Albion S. Hooper were proposed and accepted for initiation
3 The above named gentlemen were initiated__
4 Chose a committee to delegate a number to fill the vacant officers for the rest of the quarter
5 The committee reported as follows W.G. Sargent SO Leonard Roberts I.O. A.P. Roberts AM
6 The above named brothers were elected
7 Voted to request Br Gower to get 6 copies of the Temperance ___ for the use of the club
Closed EP Cole RS
Rio Hal April 3rd 1852
1 Opened by the SO
2 Br Philbrook brought in his certificate from Active club No 41 and was accepted as a member of our club.
3 Mr Reuben Billings was proposed and accepted for initiation
4 The above named gentleman was initiated
5 Accepted a bill in favor of Wm G. Simmons of 1.00 for washing and repairing regalia
6 Heard the report of the treasurer record this quarter 19.07 paid in 8.60 paid out now the treasury 10.47. 7 Chose a committee to nominate officers for the next quarter
8 The committee on nomination reported as follows for SO WG Sargent IO B.W. Sargent, RS D.P. Morgan, CS R.S. Cole C WH Sargent, T H Penny M. A.P. Roberts, A.M. E. Brown,
9 the aforementioned brothers were elected
10 Br Bunker proceeded to install the officers for the following quarter viz W.G. Sargent SO, Benj W. Sargent IO, D.P. Morgan RS, Wm H Sargent C, H Penny T, A.P. Roberts M, E. Brown A.M.
11 Voted to set up the wood and lighting of the hall and building the fires at auction the above articles were bid off by Br W.G. Sargent at $1.00 per quarter
12 The SO appointed Brs LG Philbrook WH SargentR. Byard Investigating Committee and Brs Reuben Billings Leonard Roberts P Pervear Committee on Sickness
Closed D.P. Morgan RS
Rio Hall April 8 1852 At a special meeting of T. W. No 136
1st Opened by the S.O. 2 James N. Clapp and Isaiah E. Pert were proposed
3 They were constitutionally elected as candidates for initiation
4 the above named gentlemen were initiated into this club
5 Heard remarks on the subject of Temperance
6 Closed W.H. Sargent RS protem
Rio Hall April 10 1852
1 Opened by JO
2 Heard remarks from Bros N Parker T Currier Wm H Sargent HB Gower and John Eaton on the subject of Temperance
3 Voted to proced to install Bro R S Cole C. S. the I O installed Bro R S Cole C. S. for the following quarter Elected April 3
4 Heard a communication from Frankfort
5 Voted that the communication be laid on the table
6 Voted that the C.S. be committee to write to Dr Collens of Deer Isle to inform him of the names and the nos of the Watchmans Clubs in Sedgwick
7 Voted that that the CS procure 8 rituals and 50 coppys of the Constitution and bylaws 8
Closed D.P. Morgan RS
Rio Hall April 17th 1852
1 Opened by the SO
2 The meeting was addressed by Bro Jacob Dodge Wm H Sargent & Bro Wm Bunker on Temperance and also Bro Robert Dority. And W Barns of the Union W. Club
3 Bro Dodge proposed that their will be a meeting at Dodge Hall on Monday evening at 7 oclock for discussion
4 Closed David Dwyer Pro Tem RS
Rio Hall Apr 24 1852
1 Opened by the S.O.
2 Voted to appropriate one & half cents quarter tax out of the funds of the Club heard remarks on the expenses of the Club
3 Voted to lay the subject on the table
4 Closed D.P. Morgan R.S.
Rio Hall May 1 1852
1 Opened by the S.O.
2 Brought up the subject of the expenses of the club
3 Voted that the club pay the proprieters of this hall $3.25 per quarter for its use
4 Voted to pay the Division 1.50 for the use of their fixtures for year
Closed E P Cole RS protem
Rio Hall May 8 1852
1 Opened by the JO
2 Voted to chose a committee of arrangement to meet a committee of the Brooklin Club to make arangements for a July 4 excursion Chose W.G. Sargent A Wood W.H. Sargent said committee
3 Voted that the committee gow as high as 25 cts for a diner if necessary
4 Voted that we have tickes to furnish our diner voted to leave this subject with the committee of arrangement
5 Closed D.P. Morgan RS
Rio Hall May 15 1852
1 Opened by the Junour Observer
2 Isaac S Black was proposed
3 Said proposition was received favourably
4 and said candidate was elected
5 Mr Isaac S Black was initiated into Eggemoggin Temperance Watchman Club No 136 Worthy Seniour in the chair
6 Heard remarks from WG Sargent Esq. and others
7 Closed William H Sargent R S p tem
Rio Hall May 22 1852
1st Opened by the SO Brother George Bickford from Ocean Club Deer Isle present also Brother Whitmore from the same club
2 Heard remarks from Bro Robert Dority Wm Burke and others
3 Heard interesting remarks from Bro G Bickford
4 Heard remarks on the Temperance principles of Govenor Hubbard
5 Closed W H Sargent RS Pro Tem
Rio Hall May 30 1852
1 Opened by the SO
2 Heard remarks from various Brothers
3 Voted to instruct our 4th of July committee to endeavor to have our diner on the fourth on Pond Islan
Closed Wm H Sargent RS pro tem
Rio Hall June 12 1852
1 Opened by the S.O
2 LB Sargent & Jasper N Sargent were constitutionaly elected
3 the above named Gentlemen were initiated into this Club
4 heard remarks upon the subject of the 4 of July celebration
5 Voted to extend an invitation to Bro Wm Bunker to join this club
6 Chose Bro Bunker on the committee of arrangement
7 Choose P. Pervear N. Parker on this committee
8 Closed D.P. Morgan RS
Rio Hall June 19th 1852
1st Opened by the Senior Observor
2nd filled vacancies in the offices
3d Voted to accept the report of the committee on arrangements for the celebration of the 5th of July
4th Voted not to procure a ___ for the occasion as recommended by the joint committee
5th voted that the brothers ___ be a committee to __ probable number who will attend
6th Closed L.G. Philbrook RS pro tem
Rio Hall July 3 1852
1 Opened by J O
2 Voted to proced to the choice of officers
3 Chose a committee to nominate officers for the next quarter
4 The committee on nomination reports as follows for S.O. RW Sargent JO AP Roberts RS WH Sargent CS David Dwyer T. P. Pervear C W.G. Sargent M E. Brown A. L. Billings the above named gentlemen were elected
5 Robert L. Gray was proposed and was constitutionaly elected
6 the above named gentlemen were initiated into this club
7 Proceded to install the above named officers for the present quarter
8 SO addressed the club on taking the chair
9 Voted to appropriate 25 cts to buy paper CS P Morgan A Cooper Judson Billings WC Wm H Sargent John Eaton A Wood PC
10 Heard the quarterly report of central __ of State of Maine read
Closed Wm H Sargent RS
Rio Hall July 10th 1852
1 Opened by the SO
2 Voted to give AP Roberts 65 cts for lighting the hall furnishing __ for the present quarter
3 Voted to begin our meetings at ½ past seven
4 Heard remarks from various brothers
5 Closed William H Sargent R Scribe
Rio Hall July 17 1852
1 Opened by the SO
2 Heard remarks from various brothers
Closed WH Sargent RS
Rio Hall Aug 7 1852
1 Opened by the SO
2 Heard remarks from various brothers
3 Heard a circular read from the State Central Committee solicitating funds
4 Chose BH and Wyer G Sargent as delegates to the State Convention.
Closed William H Sargent RS
Rio Hall Aug 25 1852
1 Opened by the S Observer
2 Heard remarks from various brothers
3 Mr David Black was proposed as a suitable person to become a member of this club
4 Mr Black was constitutionaly elected for initiation into this club
5 Mr Black was initiated
6 Voted to pay the initiation fee over to WGS for ____
7 Closed William H Sargent RS
Rio Hall September 4 1852
1 Opened by the Senior Observer
2 Bro HP Roberts Absent, Bro Robert Byard lighted the hall and according to the vote of the Club he receives the pay
3 Heard remarks from brothers WGS S Grant and others Mr Snow of the North Star Club made some interesting remarks
Closed William H Sargent Recording Secretary
Rio Hall September 11 1852
1st Opened by the Senior Observer About 20 members present
2 Heard remarks from Bro Bunker on the qualifications of our candidates for Representative and from others on the characters of various candidates for officers
3 Closed William H Sargent RS
Rio Hall Sept 18 1852
1st Opened by the Worthy Senior
2d Proceeded to hear remarks about 14 members being present
3d Heard remarks from Bro Philbrook and others on the subject of Temperance Considerable said about rum being brought in the steamboat
4 Chose Brother WGS & Wm Bunker a committee to draft a petition to Capt Deering and request him to fetch no more spirits to this place or Deer Isle
Closed WM H S RS
Oct 16 1852
1st Opened by the Juniour Observer
2d proceeded to chose officers
3 Appointed a committee of nomination
4 Chose WH Sargent R Byard and WG Sargent said committee
5 Said committee nominated as follows SO AP Roberts LO Robert Byard R Secretary WH Sargent C Secretary LG Philbrook G Edward Brown Messenger WG Sargent AM Francis Billings Chaplain John Eaton The above officers were installed
6 Heard remarks from various brothers
7 Closed WH Sargent RS SO AP Roberts LO Robert Byard RS WH Sargent CS LG Philbrook G Edward Brown Messages NG Sargent A __ Francis Billings Chaplain John Eaton
Sedgwick October 23 1852
1st Opened by the Senior Observer
2nd Proceeded to install Brother Wyer G Sargent messenger of this club
3d Oppointed the following Committees it being omitted last meeting Viz Investigating Committee WM H Sargent John Eaton Nathan Parker Benj N Sargent ___ Com Philip Pervear Wm Bunker
4th Chose Bro Wm Bunker a committee to wait on Bro Penny late Treasurer and settle up the acct of the Club
5 Agreed to pay WG Sargent 48 c for lighting hall for the present quarter
6 Heard a circular read from chairman of central committee
7 Voted to assess a tax of 8c on each member to send to central committee
8 Chose Brother Wm Bunker and WG Sargent a committee to solicit subscribers for the Watchman
9th Heard remarks from various brothers on the subject of Temperance
10th Closed WH Sargent R Secretary
November 12 1852
1st Opened by the Senior 7 members present
2d Mr Jerry Billings of Deer Isle was proposed as a suitable person to become a member of our club
3d Mr Billings was constitutionally elected as a candidate for initiation
4th Mr Billings was duly initiated into the mysteries of the club
5 Heard remarks from brothers AP Roberts Ellis Harden and Wm H Sargent on Temperance
Closed Wm H Sargent Recording Secretary
Nov. 20th 1852
1st Opened by Bro Wm H Sargent
2d Filled vacant offices
3d Bro Bunker proposed Mr George Peires as a suitable candidate for membership
4th Mr Peires was constitutionally elected
5 Initiated George Peires
6th Bro Bunker committee to settle with Bro Penney reported in past
7th Listened to interesting remarks from several members
8th Closed L.G. Philbrook RS protem
Rio Hall Dec 16, 1852
1st Opened by Brother Wm Bunker
2d Filled vacancies
3d Attended to routine business
4th Heard remarks relative to finances of club
5 Voted to pay RS Coles bill for books
6 Voted to allow brother WG Sargents bill paid for books 2ct about a year since
7th Heard report from Bro Penny by Bro Bunker
8 Bro Penny recd in all 24.65 Recd from Bro Pervear .25 (24.70) Paid for sundry bills 19.68 Paid RS Cole 5.22 .48 balance on books 4.74 Paid WG Sargent cash paid for books 3.61 Now in treasury 1.13
9 Voted to assess a tax of 25 cts on each member to pay the expenses of the club
10 Voted that Bro WG Sargent T Pro tem pay Bro Sawyer his rent on Hall
Adjourned Closed W H S RS
Rio Hall Dec 25 AD 1852
1st Opened by Bro Wm H Sargent
2 Filled vacancies
3 Voted to set up wood build fire sweep and light the hall at auction
4 Bid of wood light and sweeping the hall for one quarter from the __ Heard remarks on finances by BW Sargent
6 Heard remarks from Bros Parker Grant Pervear and others about temperance and tobacco
7 Voted to pay rent for hall two dollars and fifty sents per quarter
8 Voted that all the members bring in one __ each night
Closed BH Sargent RS pro tem
January 1853
Rio Hall Jan 7 1853
1 Opened by Wm H Sargent
2 Proceeded chose of officers
3 Chose John Eaton Thomas Currier Judson Billings Benj W Sargent Levy N Closson a committee of nomination
4 Said committee nominated as follows Viz SO Wm H Sargent JO Leavy N Closson RS WG Sargent CS Judson Billings T Simeon Grant C John Eaton M Francis Billings AM Wm G Simmons
5 The above officers were installed SO Wm H Sargent JO LN Closson RS WG Sargent CS J Billings T S Grant C J Eaton M F Billings AM Wm G Simmons
6 Heard remarks from various Brothers
7 Closed DP Morgan RS ProTem
Rio Hall Jan 15 1853
1 Opened by the SO
2 SO read extracts from the Temperance Watchman
3 Voted to attend the institution of a __ of the Birchland are Tuesday evening next (as many as can make it convenient)
4 Meeting addressed by Bros Dority WG Sargent and reading from the Watchman by Bro WH Sargent and further remarks were made on financial affairs
5 Closed WH Sargent RS
Rio Hall Jany 29 1853
1 Opened by the SO
2 Filled vacancies
3 Heard remarks from Bro John Eaton WH Sargent S Grant N Parker
4 Voted to appropriate thirty-six cents for the purpose of buying fluid for club
5 Chose Bro W G Sargent __ to buy said fluid
Closed BW Sargent RS Pro Tem
Rio Hall Feb the __ 1853
1 Opened by the SO 2 Filled various vacancies
3 Heard remarks from Bro Chaplain
4 Voted to have a resolve brought in to discuss this evening
5 Resolve brought in by WH Sargent read as follows Resolved that women are more ardent friends to the temperance cause than men
6 Chose Bros John Eaton in the affirmation and Ellis Harden in the negative to start the discussion
7 resolve decided in the affirmative
8 Closed BW Sargent RS pro tem
Rio Hall Feb 19th 1853
1 Opened by the SO
2 Attended to the payment of assessments
3 Heard remarks from Brother Chaplin and others
4 Closed WG Sargent RS
Rio Hall February 26th 1853
1 Opened by the SO
3 Voted for a discussion which has ben the most ingurious alkihol or wars
4 Voted that it should be for a discussion the next meat on the 6th of March
5 Voted that we receive resolve from brother R Byard which is the most ingureous rum or tobacco
6 Closed CS Hooper RS
Rio Hall March the 12 1853
1 Opened by the SO
2 Attended to the paying of assessments
3 Heard remarks from bother Chaplan and several other brothers
4 Closed AJ Billings RS
Rio Hall March 26th 1853
1st Opened by the SO
2d Filled vacancies
3d Mr Timothy Cousen was proposed as a suitable person to become a member of this club Mr Cousens was constitutionall elected
4 Mr Cousens was duly initiated in to the mysteries of the club
5 Voted to wash the regalia by lots as a free gift and the following gentlemen volunteered Viz Br E Harden 10 Br J Eaton 6 Br P Pervear 6 Br A Cooper 6 Br V Wood 6 Br W Simmons 3
Closed R Billings RS
Rio Hall April 2d 1853
1st Opened by the SO
2d Filled vacancies
3 Charles W Orcutt & Otis Eaton was proposed as suitable persons to become members of this club Charles W Orcutt and Otis Eaton was constitutionally elected & the aforenamed Charles W Orcutt and Otis Eaton was duly initiated into the mysteries of this club
4th Voted to postpone the choice of officers to the next meeting
5th Voted to hold our club meetings once in a fortnight and to meet on Wednesday evening
6 Vote to light the Hall and build fires and other usual duties be set up at auction
7th Bro Otis Eaton bid the building fire and light hall for 16 cents
Closed R Billings RS
Rio Hall April 9 1853
At a regular meeting of Eggemoggin Club Tem Watchman the following business was transacted
1st Opened by the SO
2d Proceeded to the choice of officers for the ensuing quarter
3d Made choice of the following Brothers for our officers viz for SO WG Sargent JO Francis Billings RS R Billings M E. Brown AM LN Closson Treasurer E Harding CS P Pervear Chaplin Wm H Sargent
4 The above named officers were duly installed into their several offices with the exceptions of the JO T CS
5 Heard remarks from Bro AP and others
6 Voted to adjourn to one __ next Wed evenings
Rio Hall April 20th 1853
at a regular meeting of the Eggemoggin Club the following votes were taken and business was transacted
1st Opened by the SO
2nd Filled vacancies
3rd installed BW Sargent CS and Francis Billings JO
4th Heard remarks from B Sargent WH Sargent and others
5th Voted to appoint to have to buy fluid
6th WG Sargent was said committee
7th Closed R Billings RS
Rio Hall May 4th 1853
At a regular meeting of the Edgamoggin Temperance Watchman Club the following business was transacted
1st Opened by the SO
2d filled vacancies
3d installed the Treasurer
4th voted that we set up the lighting the hall __at auction
5th Br Francis Billings bid it off at 10 cents
6 the chairman of the committee to procure fluid reported as follows WG Sargent furnished ½ gallon of fluid
7th Voted to pay Br AP Roberts his bill for lighting Hall which was 40 cents
8th heard remarks for brothers Closed
Rio Hall May 18th 1853
at a regular meeting of the Edgamoggin Temperance Watchman Club the following business was transacted
1st Opened by SO
2d filled vacancies
3d listned to remarks from the worthy Senior Observer & others
4th Closed
Rio Hall June the 1st 1853
1st Open by the SO
2nd Filled vacancies
3 Heard remarks from Bro Bunker and others
4 proposed John Thompson as a suitable person to a member of this club
5 John Thompson was initiated
6 Closed BWS RS pro tem
Rio Hall July 10 1853
1 Opened by the SO
2 John P Hale & Eben Eaton were proposed & accepted for initiation
3 The above named gentlemen were initiated
4 Heard remarks from Brother Pinkham
Closed EP Cole RS pro tem
Rio Hall July 27 1853
1st Opened by SO
2d filled vacancies
3d Proceeded to choice of officers for the ensuing quarter
4th the following Brothers were duly elected SO William H Sargent JO Judson Billings RS Reuben Billings CS Eben Eaton C William H Sargent T Francis Billings M Benjamin W Sargent AM Vinal Wood
Investigating SC BW Sargent Vinal Wood F Billings Visiting C Reuben Billings WH Sargent J Billings
5 The above officers were duly installed with the exception of JO T
6 Heard remarks
7th Closed
Rio Hall Oct 12th 1853
1st Opened by the SO
2nd proceed to choice of officers for the ensuing quarter
3d The following brothers were duly elected SO AP Roberts JO F Billings RS WH Sargent T Nathan Parker M Ellis Harden AM LB Sargent ___ Committee Ellis Harden Francis Billings Judson Billings
Investigating Committee WH Sargent Reuben Billings LB Sargent
4 The aforesaid officers listed were duly installed
5 Heard remarks from Bro Parker
6 A resolve was offered for discussion by Bro Gower to be discussed at our next meeting as follows
Resolved That no friend of Temperance can consistently support a man for Gouvenor who is not an outspoken friend of the Maine Liquor Law
Closed WH Sargent RS
Rio Hall October 26 1853
1st Opened by the OS
2d Filled vacancies
3d Voted to set up the lighting the Hall__ at auction for the rest of the qr
4th Bro George Mirrick bid it off for 50ct 5th Voted to assess a tax of 25 cts a member
6th Heard remarks from various brothers
7 Voted to have a mass meeting one week from next Monday evening
Closed William H Sargent Recording Secretary
Ammendment Bro LB Sargent was chosen to collect the above tax
Rio Hall Nov 14 1853
1st Opened by the SO
2d Filled vacancies
3d Heard remarks from various brothers
Closed William H Sargent RS
1853 Rio Hall November 26 1853
1st Opened by the SO
2d Mr NA Gray was proposed as a suitable person to become associated with us
3d Mr Gray was reported upon favourably by the investigating committee
4th The above named gentleman was constitutionally elected
5th And was duly initiated into the mysteries of our honourable brotherhood
6th Heard remarks from WH Sargent
7 Closed William H Sargent
Rio Hall Dec 5 1853
1 Opened by the SO
2 Filled vacancies
3 Took up Bro Gowers resolve William H Sargent in the affirmative E Harden NA Gray in the negative
4 The above resolve was laid on the table
5 Closed William H Sargent RS
Rio Hall December 12 1853
1st Opened by the SO
2d Filled vacancies
3d Heard a resolve from Bro NA Gray which reads as follows Resolved that the libertine and his examples and fruits are worse than rum, the rum drinker or its evils and that the former has been and now is a greater bane to society than the latter NA Gray
4th The discussion was continued by Bro W G Sargent E Harden N Parker EP Cole
5th The above resolve was laid on the table
Closed William H Sargent
Eggemoggin Club No 136 Decem 19 1853
1st Met at our usual hour
2d Opened by the SO in due form
3d filled vacancies
4 Voted to take up the resolve of last evening
5th The discussion was continued by Bro NA Gray
6th And still continued by WH Sargent EP Cole and others
7 The resolve was decided in the negative 6 to 3
8 Chose Bro EP Cole and WHS to bring in resolves next meeting
Closed W H Sargent RS
December 26 1853
At a regular meeting of the Eggemoggin Club No 136 the following business was transacted to wit-
1 Opened by the SO
2d The following resolves were brought in by Bro WH Sargent and EP Cole Resolved that a slanderer does more injury in a community than a rumseller By WH Sargent Resolved that the anti-slavery movement should receive the hearty cooperation of all well wishers for the interests of the Union EP Cole
3 Bro Francis Billings agreed to warm and light the Hall during the next quarter for eighty cents
4 Bro EP Cole was called upon for the discussion of his resolve and was followed by WHS and E Harden
5 The above resolve was decided in the affirmative
Closed WHS RS
January 16 1854
1st Opened by the SO in due form
2d Proceed to choose officers for the ensuing quarter
3d Choose a committee of Nomination consisting of LBSargent R Betele A Cooper P Pervear and N Parker
4 The following Bro were nominated Viz Ellis Harden SO Paris Roberts JO Robert Betele RS Francis Billings CS John Eaton C P Pervear T LB Sargent M WH Sargent AM
5 Chose the above officers were duly elected to the several offices
6 Investigating Committee WH Sargent Chairman AP Roberts
7 Visiting Committee LB Sargent chairman P Pervear Robert Betele
8 It was voted that Brother LB Sargent should still be the collector
9 Some remarks made for collecting a small tax to pay for the use of the Hall
10 It has been nominated that Brother N Parker committee to call __ absent Brothers between the Hall and the river to pay there taxes And Brother Francis Billings committee between the Hall up the road
11 It was voted that Brother Pervear bring in a resolve
February 6th 1854
1st Opened by the SO
2d Filled vacancies
3th Heard remarks from brother WH Sargent
4th Proposed Mr B Billings as a suitable person to become a member of our order
5th the above name was duly elicted
6th Tendrid to enishaton
7th Voted to excuse our brother from paying initiation fee
8th Heard remarks from brother John Eaton
9th Voted to have a __ meating a weak from this evening
10th Voted that Brother WH Sargent extend an invitation to the ladies band
11th Voted that Brother B Billings to bring in a resolve and John Eaton
Closed N Billings CS
March 20th 1854
1st Opened by the SO
2th Filled vacancies
3 Heard remarks from bro WH Sargent for the cause of Temperance in Massachusets
4th Heard report of Brother Nathan Parker visiting the delinquent members of this club and received nothing from them and there report was accepted
5th Brother LB Sargent called upon for report and Brother LB Sargent __ 5”5 and payed out 88 cents and payed the rest over to the treasurer
6th It was voted to pay Geo ___ fifty cents for warming and lighting the hall for one quarter
7th It was voted that the regalia be __ the same as the Brooksville club and a committee chosen to see to the business the committee chosen was Bro WH Sargent __John Eaton Bro LB Sargent
8th It was voted to excuse Bro Francis Billings from making a report
9th Heard remarks from Brother William Irving for the cause of Temperance
10th It was __ that a union meeting at the vestry next Monday evening
Closed RS R Bettel
Rio Hal April the 3 1854
1 Opened by the SO
2 filled vacancies
3 voted to choose a committee of __ to select candidates for offices through the ensuing quarter
4 selected WH Sargent SO Johnson Grindle JO Francis Billings RS Eben Eaton CS H Billings T WH Sargent C AP Roberts M Ellis Harden AM
5 Installed said officers that were present
6 Voted to dispose of the liting and warm the hall it went to Francis Billings for .57c
7 Voted to close Francis Billings RS
Rio Hall April 24th 1854
1st Opened by the SO
2st Installed Brother Harden as AM
3th Took up brother WH Sargents resolve for discussion
4th Voted to lay the resolve on the table
5th Closed Francis Billings RS
Rio Hall May 1th 1854
1th Opened by the SO
2st Voted to take up the resolve that was lad on the table for discussion wich reads as follows Resolved that a slanderer does more ingerry in a cominity then a rumseller This resolve passed in the negative 7 to 2
3th Voted to have brothers WG Sargent and also brother Harden to bring in a resolve for discussion
4th Closed Francis Billings RS
Rio Hall May 5th 1854
1st Opened by the SO
2st Voted to take up brothers WG Sargents resolve for discussion witch reads as follows Resolve that a tale bearer is a greater eviel in a community then a Drunkard
3rd Voted to lay this resolve on the table
4th Voted to hear Brother Hardens Resolve red which reads as follows Resolve that fine dress is more estimed in the world than good manners
5th Closed Francis Billings RS
Rio Hall June 5th 1854
1st Opened by the SO
2nd Filled vacancies
3rd Proposed Mr Eldridge Hendric as a suitable person to become a member of our order
4th Voted to __ to inishated
5th Voted to close Francis Billings RS
Rio Hall June 12 1854
1 Opened by the SO
2 Proposed Dea O Haskell Capt SL Hardy Mr E Spinney Onis Haskel Joseph Spiney as suitable persons to become members of our order
3 Voted to receive 2 ballet for the above names who were all choses by ballot
4 Proceeded to initiate Mr Ebenezer Spinney Onis Haskell & Joseph Spinney
5 Brother Grindle presented a petition to have a Temperance Watchman Club on Little Deer Isle
6 Voted to grant the petition request & agreed to go tomorrow evening & organize a club there
7 Heard remarks from the brothers.
8 Closed Francis Billings RS
Rio Hall July 3the 1854
1st Opened by the SO
2 Voted that we dispence with chosing officers this evening
3 Heard remarks from brothers WG Sargent R Billings and WH Sargent
4 Closed Francis Billings RS
Rio Hall July 10th 1854
1st Opened by the SO
2nd Filled vacancies
3rd Proposed Mr Ebbennesser Merick as a suitable person to be come a member of our order
4th The above name was duly inishated
5th Heard remarks from Elder ___ WH Sargent P Pervear
6th Closed Francis Billings RS
Rio Hall September 11th 1854
1st Opened by SO
2d filled vacancies
3d Voted to proceed to choice of officers
4th voted to make a committee of all Brothers present to select candidates for officers
5 Heard remarks from WG Sargent
6th The following Brothers were duly elected SO WG Sargent JO E Harding RS Herz Billings CS Eben Eaton M& C WH Sargent M BW Sargent AM Vinal Wood
7th Heard remarks from WH Sargent
8th Voted to set up up the lighting and heating Hall Voted that the one that bid of lighting & heating the Hall at a suitable evening 5 cents ____
9 Eben Eaton bid of the lighting and heating Hall at .30 Heard remarks from brothers and several others
Vote that we have __ a week from nex Thursday evening Hez Billings RS
Rio Hall Oct 22th 1854
1st Opened by the SO
2nd Filled vacancies
3rd Heard remarks from WH Sargent
4th Heard remarks from NA Gray
5th Voted that we set up the lighting and heting the hall John Albert Billings 60 cents
Closed Hez Billings
End of Minutes of the Watchman Club No 136
There may be additional minutes but, if they do exist, they are not in the possession of the Sargentville Library
These are the names of the men who were members and the dates when they were initiated
Dec 19 1851 | Wm Bunker |
John H. Allen | |
W.G. Sargent | |
G.A. Cole | |
William H. Sargent | |
Horace Penney | |
Benjamin H. Sargent | |
Edward P. Cole | |
Rufus S. Cole | |
Dec 27 1851 | Benjamin C. Sargent |
Benjamin C. Sargent Jr. | |
Andrew Wood | |
Edward Brown | |
William G. Simmons | |
John O. Sargent | |
David J. Allen | |
Thorndike D. Allen | |
Augustine M. Allen | |
Grenville P. Clapp | |
Abel Sawyer | |
Wines Milliken | |
Jan 3 1852 | Wm F. Allen |
John A. Billings | |
Johnson Grindle | |
Vinal Wood | |
William Wells | |
Jan 10 1852 | Daniel F. Harden |
Andrew Cooper | |
Levi N. Closson | |
Daniel E. Emerton | |
Jan 17 1852 | Philip Pervear |
David Dwyer | |
Francis Billings | |
Hezekiah Billings | |
Wm L. Emerton | |
William C. Pervear | |
Jan 20 | Robert Dority |
Ellis Harding | |
Jan 24 1852 | John Eaton |
Judson Gray | |
Judson Billings | |
Jan 29 | C.L. Downs |
George Saunders | |
Jan 31 1852 | Nathan Parker |
Nathan Billings | |
William Irvin | |
Robert Betell | |
Albion P. Roberts | |
Feb 7 1852 | Thomas Currier |
John Bridges | |
Robert Byard 2nd | |
Leonard Roberts | |
Luckins Closson | |
Feb 14 1852 | Daniel Morgan Jr. |
Daniel M. Means | |
Levi Gray | |
William A. Dean | |
Dudley Closson | |
Feb 21 1852 | Eben D. Stanley |
James E. Cunningham | |
Andrew F. Cole | |
Henry Cooper | |
Daniel P. Morgan | |
John L. Means 2 | |
Ebenezer C. Hooper | |
Simeon Grant | |
Thomas Cole | |
Enott Sawyer | |
Bainbridge Freethy | |
Mar 6 1852 | Kingsbury H. Morgan |
Mar 20 1852 | Harrison B. Gower |
N.H. Gower | |
Mar 26 1852 | Tobias Roberts |
Albion S. Hooper | |
Reuben Billings | |
L. G. Philbrook | |
Isaac S. Black | |
Lucius B. Sargent | |
Jasper N. Sargent | |
William Bunker | |
Albert Smith | |
Apr 8 1852 | James N. Clapp |
Isaiah E. Pert | |
Jul 3 1852 | Robert L. Gray |
Aug 28 1852 | David Black |
Nov 12 1852 | Jeremiah L. Billings |
Nov 20 1852 | George Peires |
Timothy Cousins | |
Otis Eaton | |
Charles W. Orcutt | |
June 1853 | John Thompson |
Jul 19 1853 | John P. Hall |
Eben Eaton | |
Nov 27 1853 | N. A. Gray |
Feb 7 1854 | Benjamin H Billings |
Eldridge Hendrick | |
Jun 12 1854 | Ebenezer Spinney |
Oras R. Haskell | |
Joseph H. Spinney | |
Dea P Haskell | |
Capt S.L. Hardy | |
Jul 10 1854 | Ebenezer Merick |
Transcription done by Pam Simmons
Sargentville, Maine, and Redwood City, California
April 2018